An employee with a large office-based workforce has a culture of long working hours, poor work-life balance and incidences of staff burnout. Workplace burnout can be understood as work-related chronic stress, with feelings of exhaustion (emotional and physical), reduced wellbeing, insomnia, as well as irritability, depression and headaches, and, of course, job dissatisfaction. A new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is now managing the company and wishes to improve job satisfaction of employees and employee wellbeing. They are interested in applying principles of positive psychology to achieve this. What positive psychology-based intervention would you recommend? Please focus on one intervention, perhaps with one particular outcome (e.g., improved intrinsic motivation or happiness), and write an evidence-based brief to convince the CEO that this would be a useful way to improve employee wellbeing (while noting any caveats through critical evaluation). Please draw on theoretical work from your understanding of positive psychology from the lecture, essential, further, and independent reading. Please use empirical research to support your argument.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

How Can You Bring Positive Psychology to Your Workplace? — Positive Workplaces

Opening Statement

Provides thesis statement (overall direction) 100 words One or two sentences

*Area of positive psychology recommended to use – valuing wellbeing*

Main Body

 The main content of your ‘mini-essay’ that evaluates material and develops a clear line of argument 400 words Two to three paragraphs (depending on your response/argument)

*1 – show how it has positively affected those in work and how it can help the staff in the case study, 2 – critically evaluate the research, 3- despite critiques it is still a strong measure to use to improve wellbeing + long term implications*


To summarise key points and to reach a clear conclusion regarding the proposed action or direction 100 words One or two sentences

*Use examples of how this can be implemented*

Assessment Marking Criteria

Is the mini-essay well formatted, with good grammar and structure?

Does the mini-essay demonstrate engagement with the module and independent thought?

Does the mini-essay identifying existing knowledge and views?

Does the mini-essay identify a clear line of argument?

Does the mini-essay show an awareness of complexities?

 Is the case study analysis original and creative?

Does the mini-essay propose a clear and convincing course of action or direction?

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