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In response to federal policy and service requirements, health insurance plans are increasingly developing high-deductible insurance policies and narrow networks. These types of policies require the consumer to pay more out-of-pocket. To portray this in a positive light, this trend has been labeled as “consumer-based” to suggest that the consumer must pay more from their own funds and, thus, encourage consumers to make better health care choices. However, this could be labeled as a burden on the consumer.
Write a 350- to 525-word academic paper that identifies and evaluates the impact that federal or state health care policies are having on consumer costs. Explore both positive and negative effects.
In order to receive all 100 points, the paper should be in the format below.
An academic paper includes the following:
- title page
- title of paper on page 2
- 5 space indent for paragraphs
- Intext citations throughout the paragraph. Intext citation is author’s last name and date within parenthesis
- Headings-Level I or Level II should be all that you need (see sample paper)
- Reference page-is its own page-this does not start at the end of the body of the paper but has its own page.
- References are to be APA formatted. Please refer to sample paper placed in Course Introduction and Materials
- Pages are number with title page being page 1
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