Assignment Instructions

Wireless networks are much more common now than was true 5 to 10 years ago. There are wireless networks available in coffee shops, airports, and hotels, as well as a variety of other public venues. In addition, many home users now have wireless networks to connect a broad range of devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers within their dwelling. Consider your own use of wireless networks; do you use a smartphone or a tablet? Do your methods of securing your handheld devices differ from any methods that you may use when connecting wirelessly with a computer? Do you use a wireless network at your workplace? If so, what methods are used in your workplace for securing the wireless “cloud”? Would you suggest any improvements in the wireless security that you use for home and/or work?

Based on your research, write a 3–5 page paper that researches the concept of wireless security, as well as providing an analysis and comparison of several wireless security technologies currently available.

Assignment Requirements

All papers must meet these standard requirements:

  • Paper follows APA formatting.
  • Length is 3–5 pages long not including references and cover page.
  • As you research the paper, ALL of the pages must have citations and references.
  • No more than three bulleted or listed points per paper.
  • Bulleted lists without substantial narrative included are strongly discouraged.
  • No more than one directquotation (of 40 words or more) per page from a reference source and those quotes must be properly cited within the body and in the references at the end of the paper.
  • References are required for all sources, and all figures and tables must be captioned in APA format.
  • Title page
  • Reference page

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