Employers today are looking to hire individuals who are ambitious, problem-solvers, go-getters, leaders, and team players. They want professionals who take initiative and are not afraid to get out of their comfort zone to get the job done. Competition, in the workplace is real and only high achieving employees will qualify for the next promotion. Corporations are thinking about the future and they are looking for educated, experienced, and mature individuals who think strategically to innovate and create the new products and services for the new generation of consumers. 

Therefore, I have to ask you to consider what type of employee are you? How do you see yourself? How would your peers and/or Supervisor describe you as a person, an employee, and a co-worker? What are you doing today to qualify for the next career advancement opportunity or the next business venture? What steps are you taking today to achieve your goals tomorrow? Are you the ideal candidate or the best entrepreneur? If yes, why? 

  My job is an administrator in a school system 


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