The most important legislation, Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, signed by President Obama on June 21, 2010, is enormously complex and challenging even for industry professionals. Here we aim to develop knowledge to outline some key provisions of the legislation as well as abilities to define and describe at least one important challenge for financial reform moving forward.
Consider the challenge for financial reform we analyzed last week. Briefly outline how this challenge is addressed in the Dodd Frank legislation.
Dodd Frank has become an important issue of public debate again with the recent demise of SVB and Signature Bank. Changes made to Dodd-Frank in 2018- meant to relieve small and medium sized banks of some of the regulatory burdens imposed on the larger and Systemically Important Financial Institutions (SIFI)- left banks like the aforementioned SVB and Signature operating under a far less rigorous form of banking oversight. Whether these relaxed standards can be directly traced to the two banks’ failures remains unclear. But what the critics of Dodd-Frank pointed out from early on stayed fairly constant.
Outline some at least one criticism of Dodd Frank. Try to be as specific as you can. And if you have an opinion on the issue please express it.