Submit the following documents on the moodle (all included in this template-below):½ Page Reflections:What has been your experience with Applied Behavior Analysis and PBIS?What are some changes that could be made in your school or classroom to help improve PBIS? Good Behavior Game Podcast: Could you use the GBG in your classroom or school? Why or why not? What changes might you need to make? Or Circumstances View of Problem Behavior: How might this view change how you think about instruction and classroom management? Does this validate (or invalidate) methodologies of instruction in your classroom/school? How so? Data Collection: Trashing and Non-Compliance (Video)Operational Definition of target behaviors in videoData Collection on target behaviors with operational definitionsOperationally Define three target behaviors for increase, three target behaviors for decrease. 6 Video Clips (embedded in the PPT, slides 73-78)What is the function of the behavior and how should we address it (x6, slides 73-78)
Cohort #:
Question #1 What has been your experience with Applied Behavior Analysis and Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)? ½ Page Response
Question #2 What are some changes that could be made in your school to help improve PBIS? ½ Page Response, must address all questions above for full credit.
Question #3 Good Behavior Game Podcast: Could you use the GBG in your classroom or school? Why or why not? What changes might you need to make? Or Circumstances View of Problem Behavior: How might this view change how you think about instruction and classroom management? Does this validate (or invalidate) methodologies of instruction in your classroom/school? How so? ½ Page Response In order to get full credit for this response, you must reference the source you chose (podcast or article).
Question #4 Each time the behavior occurs in the video, tally in order to measure frequency Slide 26 or Slide 29 (same video)
Operationally Define one of the behaviors in the video (refer to PPT, slide 25)
Operational Definition:
Frequency of Operationally Defined Behavior:
Think about a student with whom you have worked. The student may be current or previous. If you do not work with students, you may consider your own child, a spouse, or a pet. Name and operationally define 3 Target Behaviors for Increase & 3 Target Behaviors for Decrease. This will be used for your final product during the virtual seminar.
Target Behaviors for Increase: (each behavior needs a name and a definition) Target Behaviors for Decrease: (each behavior needs a name and a definition)
Question #5Use the slides to consider the function of behavior and how we should address it.
All papers are written by ENL (US, UK, AUSTRALIA) writers with vast experience in the field. We perform a quality assessment on all orders before submitting them.