Document your VPN research and results here. Specifically consider these topics.

1. VPN and Remote Access Requirements

Question: Describe how UMGC students use OpenVPN to connect to the MARS environment. Conduct some research on OpenVPN to understand and describe the key components. In addition, provide screen captures of you connecting to the MARS Windows Desktop through the help of OpenVPN. Discuss the network architecture that you can determine based on the IP settings of the machines you have access.

a. First thing is going to the web portal:

b. The second thing to do is to Login to my Account.

c. The third thing to do is to enter my account Password.

d. Once fully login to my Mars account to install the OpenVPN, click on Help Tab on top.

e. Now at the Help section, click on OPENVPN.

f. This will take you to the OpenVPN Installer.

g. When selecting the Installer the installation will show on the bottom of the browser.

8. Once the installation starts go through the Wizard to install the OpenVPN.

h. Accept the terms and continue the installation.

i. Click install to install the OpenVPN.

j. The installation process takes a several seconds.

k. Once the installation is completed, click the Finish options.

l. The OpenVPN application opens, click on Agree to accept the policies.

m. Once the OpenVPN Connect application is fully connected. Slide the tab to the On position.

n. Once the OpenVPN is connected, now navigate back to the Mars webpage.

o. In the Virtual Desktops tab, Start the Virtual Windows Desktop.

p. Now the Virtual Windows Desktop and fully on click on the Windows RDP to connect to the remote desktop.

q. The RDP download will be at the bottom of the web browser.

r. The Remote Desktop Connection window appears, Click on Connect.

s. The Windows Security pops up and enter the password provided by the Mars Windows Desktop webpage.

t. A second security window comes up verifying the Trusted Certifying Authority. Click on Yes to connect to the Virtual Desktop.

u. The Remote Windows Desktop is now connected and fully functional with OpenVPN.

2. VPN Security Plan

  • How is the MARS environment kept secure with OpenVPN. Do you see any possible issues?
  • Would you feel comfortable storing sensitive data including PI, PII, corporate trade secrets, and other sensitive data in this environment? Explain.

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