Alignment Choose a specific SOL (or state standard).Cognitive Level VERB and Level of Rigor?Objective Write your learning objective.Assessment Describe your assessment.
1.2.5 The student will a) recognize and use the relationships between addition and subtraction to solve single-step practical problems, with whole numbers to 20 (IXL Learning, n.d.). This SOL is based on previous standards, including: 2.2 The student will. a) count forward by twos, fives, and tens to 120, starting at various multiples of 2, 5, or 10 (IXL Learning, n.d.).   The students are expected to apply their knowledge of counting whole numbers up to twenty. They should also demonstrate an understanding of the signs: addition (+), subtraction (-), and equal(=). In the previous grade, students also used counters and multicolored sticks to solve single-step subtraction and addition problems of whole numbers up to 10. They will continue learning and practicing addition and subtraction with a gradual increase in difficulty level. The goal is also to promote mental math problem-solving, which enhances their cognitive functions. Students will also apply their knowledge of the use of technology to aid in solving these problems. Integrating technology in math lessons is important because it improves learning and sharpens students’ skills in various domains. Virginia District of Education notes that the use of appropriate technology is an integral part of learning, assessment, and teaching. Students will be actively engaged in the learning process using concrete materials and appropriate technology in problem-solving. Problem-solving is the core aspect of all content strands because it is a critical skill in all grade levels. The lesson should show students how problem-solving applies in real-life situations.  Verb-add   Level of Rigor – apply and evaluate.      Given five sums to add two numbers (up to 20), the students will achieve 90% correct answers.The teacher will prepare a worksheet with five sums. Each student will be given one worksheet after the teacher has demonstrated how to solve addition problems. They will practice individually how to solve single-step practical problems with whole numbers up to 20. Examples of problems to be solved: 13 + 5 = ? 6 + 7 =  ? 8 + 4 = ? Addition should be fun because most students always have a negative attitude toward math. The teacher’s role is to make the lessons enjoyable, and students understand the importance of these functions in real life. They can use counters and other tools available in class to promote understanding of the concept. The teacher should walk around the class as the students work on the sums and observe the strategies they use. This can highlight the students’ level of understanding of the specific concept. Students who experience difficulties working with one strategy can be taught another technique. However, students should be part of the learning process and allowed to engage in creative thinking to develop techniques that suit their learning level. Marking the worksheets must adhere to the marking scheme because there is only one answer for every question. In areas where the student has failed, the teacher reviews the process with them to establish the problem. Revision and reflection on one’s work allow the student to identify their mistakes and improve for future reference.
2.Verb-subtract   Level of Rigor – apply and evaluate.      Given five sums to subtract two whole numbers (up to 20), the student will achieve 90% correct answers.The teacher will present students with a worksheet containing five subtraction sums involving whole numbers up to 20. They will practice individually to solve single-step practical problems with whole numbers. Students may use counters and other aids to ease the calculation process. At this stage, students are familiar with the subtraction (-) and equal (=) signs. Examples of problems they will be asked to solve include: 15 – 3 = ? 8 – 4 = ? 20 – 6 = ? They understand whole numbers and can follow a certain process to solve single-step practical problems. There are several strategies students can use to solve subtraction problems. For example, students can use the “count up” strategy, especially when the numbers are close together. In the 8 – 4= ?question, students can take 4, then count to 8 and find the answer. They can also use the split strategy to improve their mental math ability. Using this strategy, students split the second, smaller number into other smaller numbers. This makes it easier to solve the problem. The strategy improves mental math and can later be applied when dealing with whole numbers up to 100. The teacher determines the success of the lesson by marking the completed worksheets. Some students are fast learners and will get all answers correct, while others need extra support to ensure they grasp the concept of subtracting. Those who need extra support can use counters and accommodations such as more time given. Students can get frustrated with tasks that are difficult to complete. This may lead to a negative attitude towards math in general. The teacher’s duty is to motivate the students to be persistent in solving the problems that seem difficult. Scaffolding can be offered, where students move from easier to more complex problems. Creative problem-solving strategies can also help the students complete the tasks with minimal problems. Making math enjoyable is a strategy for encouraging students to take part in the problem-solving process. They should understand how it impacts their real-life situations. Further lessons on subtraction will be covered in word problems, which will engage higher cognitive functions and promote critical thinking.
3.Verb- create   Level of Rigor – understand, analyze, apply, and create.      Using the Scratch programming application, students will successfully create a one-character skit where they engage in an activity involving the addition of whole numbers with an 80% accuracy.Scratch is a programming language for kids that can help them develop mathematical skills. The use of technology in the learning process is critical to honing their job-ready skills in the 21st century. The students have used the program before and have a basic understanding of the requirements. When a student opens the program and clicks on addition, the cat character will begin asking questions about addition. However, students should also be engaged in the creation process where they develop their learning material. Students will program a skit involving one character who engages in an activity requiring addition. For example, a cat that collects mice or a child with fruits. They will receive adequate support from the teacher for successfully completing the task. This can also be classified as project-based learning, which improves understanding of the material as students are fully engaged in the process. During the assessment, the teacher will observe how the student applies their knowledge of the addition function to solve practical problems using the program. They will also work with their partners to create more skits as an extension activity. When using technology in class, the teacher must make accommodations and modifications for students with special needs. There should be audio aids for those with hearing issues, enlarged fonts, and color friendliness because of eyesight problems. Supervision is necessary when students are using technology because there is a risk of misuse.


IXL Learning. (n.d.). Virginia second-grade math standards. IXL | Math and English Language Arts Practice.

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