Directions for discussion 3 Nursing 421

Understanding that empowering communities is accomplished by building partnerships with community members, how might you empower your identified community of interest ( please identify one)  through your community nursing practice? Use examples from the three approaches (medical, health services, and grassroots) to promote community participation in health programs.

Please use at least to references the book is located in (access to Chegg will be provided)

The book is Community as a Partner    (Anderson) 

Anderson, E., & McFarlane, J. (2015). Community as partner: Theory and practice in nursing (7th Ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 978-1-4511-9093

  • Chapter 5: Ethical Quandaries in Community Health Nursing, pages 74-86
  • Chapter 6: Community Empowerment, pages 87-99
  • Articles (links and access to some of the materials will be provided):
  • The Role of Community Health Advisors in Community-Based Participatory Research 
  • Story, L., Hinton, A., & Wyatt, S. B. (2010). The role of community health advisors in community-based participatory research. Nursing Ethics, 17(1), 117-126. doi:10.1177/0969733009350261
  • Integrative Music Therapy: A Healing Intervention
  • Barnes, T. B. (2018). Integrative music therapy. Journal of Christian Nursing, 35(2), 100-105. doi:10.1097/cnj.0000000000000479

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