Social media impacts the lives of many adults and teenagers in this world today. With the rise of some, many people began to abuse it. Many people abuse social media by doing negative things. There is a lot of uncouth behavior that goes on social media which may lead to negative effects. Social media is severe for some because it increases bullying and distractions and is not age appropriate for certain ages.

People on social media tend to abuse it by bullying people. This leads to the increased rates of suicides. Many people get bullied for the pictures they post, comments on videos and depending on how they look. The amount of time a person spends posting on social media can sometimes cause them to get bullied, which depends on how much they post and what the post is about. That allows people to comment what they feel the need to comment on that specific person post. For instance, I realize some people never come to school due to others making comments or picking on them. Cyberbullying can cause the student to skip school and move away if possible. Bullying is not good because everyone should be treated the same. I also think bullying can cause depression and anxiety. For instance, I had a friend that had an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. But we were always together no matter the circumstance. Her name was Taylor, and she was a mixed girl. In school people use to bully her and say mean things about her. She would come to me for advice every time something was happening. I would always talk to her no matter how busy I was because she was suicidal. I talked her out of killing herself plenty of times because you never want to see people hurt themselves. This makes people feel guilty about themselves and allows them to think negative about themselves. Which causes them to panic and start abusing themselves, that is not a good action for them to do. We want everyone to grow up and see their futures and accomplish their goals. Instead, of them hurting themselves over a social media platform, social media can also be a distraction.

      It can make student’s miss their schoolwork. For example, if a student was supposed to be doing homework, which was due the next day, someone may try to text them, and they decide to respond back to them and forget about their homework. That leads to them forgetting to do their homework and failing. Also, it can lead to some not getting enough sleep. So, that is why people be late to class and work due to them staying up so late on social media. Some may never come to class at all. Even though we need at least eight to ten hours of sleep per day to get our day going. People may also get distracted by driving while on their phones on social media. Therefore, there are so many wrecks occurring every day. Therefore, it is always safe to just wait until you arrive at the destination and start to check the phone. Social media can also be a problem in the classrooms as well. Students get off track by looking at their phone. That causes a massive distraction and frustration for teachers. Students may ask what to do on this assignment instead of just listening and not being on your phone. They may also be discussing situations in class and the teacher call on someone to answer the question and they have been distracted on their phone there not for sure what the others are talking about. This makes them forget what they are supposed to be doing.

I am also against how social media is not age appropriate for certain kids. Some kids start to make a profile on that social media platform and tend to use the material for issues like dating. So many young kids and teenagers are texting each other and are not realizing how old or how young they may be. Some teenagers are texting either children or adults and they may become missing, due to not knowing if it is older men or women in real life. That is so dangerous and scary because of their parents not knowing. For example, I was on Instagram one day and suddenly, I got a message. I went to the message and realized I did not know that username. So, I decided to go look on their page. There were pictures of and old man where he looked like he may be in his seventies with gray hair. He wanted me to be his sugar baby, but I was not going for it so, I blocked and deleted his page so that could not happen again. Until this day I make sure I block people who request to follow me on Instagram. That is why many people should start paying attention to certain situations. Also, there may be content kids are not supposed to see on social media. For example, some kids learn so much profanity off the internet. When kids see things like that it makes them want to try it no matter the age they are. Therefore, that is why some parents do not allow their child to have a phone at an early age. But if some allow them to, they may not be able to use social media until they turn a certain age. Which is a good thing to keep them from seeing a lot of bad content and negative things on the internet.

In conclusion, social media is not meant to be bad even though it has some positive aspects as well. But certain things can cause a mislead of negative effect from social media. Social media will always catch people attention and play a vital role in our life’s. It is just how social media plays a role today.

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