5 paragraph essay. Must have a hook at the beginning with a question… one interesting question. A creative title. A thesis at the end of the first paragraph that answers the prompt in a list form in which you will then use all documents to prove this thesis. The prompt is: Evaluate the relationship between Luther and the peasants of Germany. For example, answer these in your thesis and essay: Do you think Luther abandoned his peasant followers over time or do you think the peasants misinterpreted his teachings from the start when they rebelled against their nobles and lords? Who is to blame for the final outcome?
You must use each document effectively to analyze. You must cite something from each document DIRECTLY with quotes and analyze it and support the thesis. All background info also should be relevant to supporting your thesis. This must be done double spaced, MLA citations using the actual names of the documents, author, etc… and the letter of the document.
Please send me your thesis statement before starting. Be sure you read all things first before coming up with the statement you will be proving. Answer the prompt… that should be the thesis.. .but in a way in which you can use all the documents to prove it. One intro paragraph hook, background info, thesis. Three body paragraphs that have clear topic sentences that support each listed item in the thesis, and all of these paragraphs should have documents analyzed and cited in them and background info. And transitions at end of each. And a conclusion that restates the thesis in different words, sums up the essay and has a final thought.