For this essay please write a 5 page paper analytic that covers the relation between EDM and the prevalence of drug culture(s) in this scene. The paper should use reliable and properly cited sources such as the ones that are attached as files (however you’re not limited to just using these), so long as all sources are academically sound. Please cover the history and cultural origins of EDM (starting with rave culture), covering in detail: where and when EDM/ Rave music emerged, how drugs became a part of the culture, who started it, and who were its participants/supporters or opposers. Please discuss the main age groups, races, genders, sexualities, job industries, etc of who partook in the rave/EDM scenes- specifically who would commonly take drugs and why (don’t forget to explain the origination/rise of dj’s). Also include why there was opposition/resistance to the EDM/raves and what were the reasons and/or attempts to suppress the EDM movement. Correlate this to the modern reflection of EDM we experience today and the drug culture that is linked to it. Dissect how the prevalence of Drugs has either changed or stayed the same since the creation of rave/EDM to present day. I have provided an outline for what topics to address and include in the essay below. Although it does not have to be structured in this order, please make sure all of the information is addressed and questions are answered. 


History & Origins of Rave Culture: 

  • (Examples of what info to address, not limited to just this- go beyond)
    • When did the first raves begin? When and where did these raves take place? What was the premise/goal of these raves? What was the presence of drugs and substances like at these raves? How did this all progress and change through time?
    • Who would attend: age groups, races, genders, sexualities, job industries, etc of the participants? What was their relationship to drugs before and after entering engaging in the party/music culture? What were these effects?
    • Who opposed Rave culture? What were their reasons/arguments? How did they try and stop the rise and success of this movement? 

History of electronic dance music (EDM):

  • How Rave/party culture evolved into EDM? where and when EDM music emerged? Who started it?
    • How did drugs infiltrate the culture? Which drugs? Why? 
    • Did the profile of participants/opposers of rave culture all transition to EDM? What were the common characteristics between both audiences? 

Analysis of EDMs Transition to Modern Day

  • How has EDM music and it’s culture evolved/transitioned to what we see today? What can be responsible for these changes?
    • Emergence of music festivals
    • Correlate the music and culture of EDM and its relation to drugs that we see today to the historical interpretation that you analyzed above.
    • Dissect the impact that the prevalence of drugs has had on the EDM culture and its reputation, and whether or not this has been changed since its origination.

The Culture Behind DJs: 

  • Explain the roles that Dj’s had in the EDM scene, their lifestyles, who could/could not become a DJ, and how this was influenced by the drug culture 
    • Describe the job of being a DJ has changed over the years to compare to today’s context
    • Djs and music festivals
    • How does a DJ’s typical lifestyle enable and expose them to drugs and party culture?
    • Who are some examples of DJs whose careers have been affected due to their participation in this drug scene? How did this hurt/help them? 

Conclusion: Solidarity of Drug Use in EDM Scene

  • Conceptualize why drugs are so heavily used and prevalent in EDM/Rave culture, why do the people who participate in EDM/Raving use these drugs? 
    • Conclusion 


  1. Rave Culture: Hugs, Drugs, or Both? A study of modern rave subculture by Ari Abramson
  2. Solidarity and Drug Use in the Electronic Dance Music Scene by Philip R. Kavanaugh and Tammy L. Anderson
  3. Generation Ecstasy (various chapters to cite) by Simon Reynolds
  4. Energy Flash: A Journey Through Rave Music and Dance Culture by Simon Reynolds (free pdfs online)
  5. Retromania: Pop Culture’s Addiction to Its Own Past by Simon Reynolds (free pdfs online)

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