
2: Needs Improvement

3: Acceptable

4: Exemplary


Problem Identification

Does not clearly identify the problem;

Identifies an inappropriate problem or represents the issue inaccurately

Rudimentary problem identification;

Identifies main problem but does omits relevant issues;

Does not identify the relationship between different aspects or issues within the problem.

Clearly identifies main problem and includes some of the subsidiary issues;

Some discussion or relationships between subsidiary issues

Clearly identifies the main problem and subsidiary, embedded or implicit aspects of the problem;

Clearly addresses the relationship among subsidiary issues;

Identifies not only the basics of the issue but also recognizes subtle nuances of the issue


Fails to question data;

Ignores bias;

Misses major content areas;

Detects no inconsistencies;

Chooses biased sources.

Identifies some questions;

Notes some bias;

Recognizes basic content;

States some inconsistencies;

Selects sources adequately.

Asks insightful questions;

Detects bias;

Categorizes content;

Identifies inconsistencies;

Recognizes context.

Analyzes insightful questions;

Refutes bias;

Critics content;

Examines inconsistencies;

Values information

Identification of Alternatives

Does not identify any alternative to solve the problem; Has no understanding of the value of alternatives and their relationship to the identified problem.

Identifies alternatives that reflect a limited understanding of the situation.

Identifies alternatives that reflect a basic understanding of the situation and the problem.

Identifies alternatives that reflect an in-depth understanding of the situation and the problem.

Analysis & Evaluation

Fails to draw conclusions;

Sees no arguments;

Overlooks differences;

Repeats data;

Omits research

Identifies some conclusions;

Sees some arguments;

Identifies some differences;

Paraphrases data;

Assumes information valid.

Formulates conclusions;

Recognizes arguments;

Notices differences;

Evaluates data;

Seeks out information

Examines conclusions;

Uses reasonable judgment;

Discriminates rationally;

Synthesizes data;

Vies information critically


Omits argument;

Misrepresents issues;

Excludes data;

Draws faulty conclusions;

Shows intellectual dishonesty

Misconstrues arguments;

Generalizes issues;

Cites sources;

Presents few options;

Overlooks some information

Argues clearly;

Identifies issues;

Attributes sources Suggests solutions;

Incorporates information.

Argues succinctly;

Discusses issues thoroughly;

Shows intellectual honesty;

Justifies decisions;

Assimilates information.

Total Points:

Scoring:  Check one:  Unacceptable: 5-9___;        Needs Improvement: 10-14___;       Acceptable: 15-19___;       Exemplary:  20___

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