Answer all parts of the questions analytically. 8 pages (excluding cover, bibliography or works cited page. Double-spaced 12-point font. Do not use ALL internet sources. LIMIT THE USE OF INTERNET SOURCES.USE PRIMARY AND/OR SECONDARY SOURCES.
The essay should be written as if the reader is not the professor and is not familiar with the topic chosen
Topic and questions: Who is Sally Hemings? Discuss her ancestry/family lineage,.What was her relationship with Thomas Jefferson? What was her life like in France and why did she return back to United States when she could remain free in Europe? Once she returned to the United States, what happen? Was local Virginians or anyone else aware of this “relationship” between Sally and Thomas Jefferson? How did this truth emerge? Explain. Finally, why do you think that historians in the past and present refuse to discuss this controversial issue? Explain.

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