Title of Article:
(Make sure put the title of the article in discussion, and answer ALL the questions in the template)
Step I. Define the Situation
- Based on the article given, List the relevant facts. State facts in complete sentences. (List more than five facts — clearly identify the technology involved, include facts about both the technology and the case, but distinguish the two. NO in-text citation is required for this segment)
Reference (Present ALL resources, including the case article assigned, in APA style – an empty reference list will guarantee you an automatic ZERO for case study):
- What ethics/values are in question from the above facts? (Identify at least three that are closely related to the facts you identified in question 1. Write full sentences. Your statements below must tie back to the facts you identified in question 1.
E.g. if you have “Weev” sent AT&T’s customer email addresses to the news agency” as one of the fact, you may have “AT&T believes their privacy was violated by “Weev” as the ethics issue resulted from the above fact.)
- List the stakeholders involved. List ALL the individuals/groups who are/may be affected by this issue and how. Be specific. Try to estimate the size of the group so that you can evaluate whether your decision will do greatest amount of good to greatest number of person.
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Step II. Isolating the major ethical dilemma
- Write several questions that are ethical dilemmas from this situation, state them in the form: Should someone do or not do something? (Keep this statement simple. For example: Use “Should people buy pirated software?” instead of “Should people buy pirated software even though they cannot afford the price of proprietary software?”.
At least two must be presented).
- Among the ethical dilemmas you identified above, what is the ethical dilemma to be resolved NOW? (This must be ONE of the questions you identified in question 1)
Step III. Analyzing the ethicality of both alternatives (yes or no) to the dilemma you identified in previous step (Step II, question 2)
All your answers to this step must be tied back to the question you identified in step II, question 2. Analyze thoroughly. There may be overlap among answers to different bullets. If you believe no stakeholder will be affected for the corresponding bullet, write “no one will be affected because ….”. DO NOT leave it blank
Theory I:
Consequentialism (teleology) – Does the action minimize actual and potential harm?
Utilitarianism: Good for the group, least harm for the group
- If the answer to the ethical dilemma were YES discuss the following (Make sure that your answer covers ALL the individual/group you identified in Step I, question 3.)
- who will be harmed and how each stakeholder is harmed (identify ALL potential stakeholders being harmed)?
- who will be benefited and how each stakeholder is benefited (identify ALL potential stakeholders being benefited)?
- If the answer to the ethical dilemma were NO,discuss the following (Make sure that your answer covers ALL the individual/group you identified in Step I, question 3):
- who will be harmed and how each stakeholder is harmed (identify ALL potential stakeholders being harmed)?
- who will be benefited and how each stakeholder is benefited (identify ALL potential stakeholders being benefited)?
- Which alternative results in the least harm in answering the dilemma yes or no? Why? (There is no right or wrong choice. Interpret the outcome of the analysis. Consider the group size when evaluating the choices. Your answer to this question should be based on your answers to questions 1 and 2 in this step.) For example: The answer to the question that would result in the least harm would be…. Because……
- Which alternative results in the maximum benefit in answering the dilemma yes or no? (There is no right or wrong choice. Interpret the outcome of the analysis. Consider the group size when evaluating the choices.Your answer to this question should be based on your answers to questions 1 and 2 in this step.) For example: The answer to the question that would result in the maximum benefit would be…. Because answering ……
- Therefore, based on the above analysis (Questions 1 to 4), the utilitarian’s position on this dilemma would be….. (Yes, or No to the question. Which choice will result in both the least harm and the maximum benefit? Check your answers for questions 3 and 4. Are they consistent? )
Theory II.1: In Act deontology analysis, answer the following questions (Remember: When listing a right, show its corresponding duty and vice versa; address ALL possible individual/groups).
- If the answer to the ethical dilemma were YES, identify which stakeholders’ rights have been or may be violated/abridged; and/or what duties have been or may be neglected.
- If the answer to the ethical dilemma were NO, identify which stakeholders’ rights have been or may be violated/abridged; and/or what duties have been or may be neglected.
- What would be the outcome of the act deontologist’s position on your dilemma? (YES/NO, Because …… This should be based on your discussions in questions 1 and 2)
Theory II.2: Kant’s Categorical Imperative
- The principle of consistency: What if everyone acted this way?
- The principle of respect: Are people treated as ends rather than means?
- Which alternative is preferable? (Yes or No) Why? What would be Kant’s position to your dilemma? (For EACH choice (Yes/NO), Focus on whether BOTH principles lists above are applied: will the duty still exist if everyone acted this way, and whether there’s any individual/group being treated with disrespect (treated as means rather than ends))
Step IV. Making a decision and planning the implementation
- Based on the analysis in Step III, check the theory best applies to this situation. Add arguments justifying your choice of these ethical principles to support your decision.
___ Consequentialism (Teleological)
___ Kant’s Categorical Imperative (Rule Deontological)
___ Act Deontological
___ Other: (Name the theory here)___________________________
Why did you make the above choice? (This is based on your previous formal analysis. MUST BE 4 OR MORE SENTENCES):
- Your own decision (personal opinion): What would you do? Why? List the specific steps needed to implement your defensible ethical decision (THIS AREA SHOULD BE 2 OR MORE PARAGRAPHS).
- What longer-term changes (i.e., political, legal, technical, societal, organizational) would help prevent your defined dilemma in the future? (Is there any policy vacuum, conceptual muddle in this case? If there is, how can we clear the conceptual muddle and fill the policy vacuum?)(THIS AREA SHOULD BE 2 OR MORE PARAGRAPHS)