The Human Resources Frame


Human resource is one of the important developmental areas in organizations. The unique nature of the resource means that companies need to adopt effective strategies that seek to ensure long-term achievement of their structural goals. The effective management usually depends on continued growth measures that try to align the respective human resource strategies with trends and developments in the sector. Successful alignment of such factors provides guarantees of continued growth initiatives which in the long term. Additionally, it also becomes easy to integrate the factors in the company and secure the future of the cultural practices. Walt Disney has over the years enhanced developmental programs which seek to appreciate the role played by its employees. The company has provided a benchmark regarding the effective ways of treating the employees and addressing their concerns during policy formulation and implementation. The achievements and success levels of the company result from the well thought out human resource management policies, therefore, making it important that relevant long-term policies incorporate into the continuous growth structures.

Walt Disney’s Approach to Human Resources

The company’s approach to the human resource perspectives has ensured continued success levels through coordinating of the integration practices which constantly improve in the long run. Top leadership in Walt Disney explains that the philosophy behind the human resource program relies on the need for everyone to be appreciated on a daily basis. The organization has adopted certain principles in the management, therefore, creating viable opportunities to achieve the most effective growth structures adopted over the years (Kane et al., 2015). The company first understands that every employee is important. Thus, there are certain values related to respect, appreciation and value for everyone which dictate the management programs. In the case, the management structures ensure constant interaction and availability at all times.

The company has also worked towards the encouragement of program alignment. Walt Disney has enhanced successive achievements through its diversification programs. However, the attribute has also been an important venture in the bid to provide guarantees to the employees. There is the close integration of the various departments and alignment of objectives to meet those of the overall management. Thus, the company has been able to ensure sustainable growth initiatives which remain necessary in the long-term (Thomas, 2017). The organization also appreciates the importance of a vigorous hiring process, therefore, setting the most effective strategies which ensure hiring of the right candidates. It helps provide constant improvement strategies which appreciate the culture of the company. Walt Disney also has a strong training and development program that orients the employees and the cast members on the expected objectives. Additionally, the workers also understand their most important targets, and they have the freedom to reason beyond the scope and come up with new innovative ideas.

Walt Disney’s mission is “To be the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information.” The organization has been able to work towards the attainment of the factor through the reiteration of the important role of the employees through the human resource strategy. The company has adopted philosophies such as “dream as a team” that has been able to encourage the employees to understand their roles in the given situations and work towards the achievement of their respective objectives. Moreover, there are also other initiatives such as “Blue sky” brainstorming sessions which encourage participation of the employees in the improvement programs, therefore, assisting in the developmental objectives required in the long term (Kavanagh & Johnson, 2017). Furthermore, the particular interest in training and development of the human resource shows the commitment of the organization to the attainment of the objectives through the contributions of the human resource.

Human Resource Characteristics

Employee Benefits

Employee benefits are one of the major human resource characteristic adopted by Walt Disney in a bid to ensure continued development and integrated understanding of effectiveness in their management. The company understands the importance of providing benefits to the employees, therefore, making them feel appreciated and motivated with their employment opportunities. It is imperative that the perquisites and benefits provided by the organization are in line with the development objectives for the successful integration of the workers in the long term. The organization provides full health insurance benefits for its full-time cast employees (Ligos, 2009). Thus, they can get quality medical treatment as well as insurance cover in the event of injury in the course of their work. Furthermore, the organization has developed programs which ensure that the employees and their families are granted free entries to the parks with discounted prices on various products. Walt Disney also offers a 401(k) plan for eligible employees with some company match. The plan ensures that their future is well taken care of and guarantees continued improvements through the strengthening of the continued relationships between the company and its most loyal employees. The strategic aspect correlates with global initiatives towards employee benefits.

The employee benefits characteristic of the company can align with the human resource frame assumptions that seek to understand the effective relationship develop in the majority of the cases. It shows that organizations exist to serve human needs. Through the adoption of health insurance benefits for the employees, Walt Disney can serve important needs regarding the health situation of its most loyal people. It demonstrates the urge to continuously ensure strong benefits and coordinated growth initiatives in the employees. Moreover, the benefits enjoyed by the employees demonstrate effectively that the people and organizations need each other. Walt Disney and its employees are in a symbiotic relationship where the company benefits from their expertise and skills while they get to enjoy perquisites related to the continued growth initiatives (Westbrook, 2012). The characteristic has also explained the importance of an effective fit between the organization and its employees. The examples shown by Walt Disney expound on the idea that a good fit benefits both the organization and the employees. Moreover, it also shows that in the alignment of the fit, individuals are able to enhance satisfaction levels in their work, while the company harnesses the skills it needs to attain success.

Employee Orientation/Training Programs

Continuous training and development of the employees is an important attribute of effective growth measures are attainable by the respective companies. It is imperative that the training and development measures adopted by the organization orients with the trends in the sector to ensure alignment that results in continuous growth initiatives. The company takes the necessary steps to ensure proper training programs which touch on key issues such as the traditions of the company. The employees are made to understand the role of the company today and the important initiatives required to abide by the culture. The training program has also enhanced continued team-building initiatives which help achieve the required growth factors. The organization also makes sure that the employees get to know the four divisions it has incorporated in a strategy known as park orientation. They learn important factors related to each one of them and how they integrate to achieve sustainable initiatives required over the existing period. After the training program, the employees are expected to know various details related to the management of the park, therefore, making it easy to achieve daily objectives. Thus, the intense nature of the training session adopted by the company shows its willingness to use the employees to achieve its objectives in the respective periods.

The initiative to integrate training and orientation amongst the employees may relate with the human resource frame assumptions. The training programs show that the people and the organizations need each other since they develop a relationship in which both benefit (Bohas, 2015). The orientation programs ensure that the employees are well prepared to deal with the organizational issues that ensure benefits adopted in the long run. Essentially, it demonstrates that the organizations need to improve on the ideas, energy, and talent through training programs while the people need careers, salaries, and opportunities. The human resource frame characteristic also explains the importance of ensuring the best fit between the organization and the employees when adopting such initiatives. The training programs adopted by Walt Disney are successful as there is a better fit between the two initiatives. Essentially, it shows that the organization can ensure that the individuals the required satisfactory levels they need to achieve desired objectives in the long run. The important nature of these relationships shows the extent to which Walt Disney has gone to provide a guarantee on the level of effectiveness as well as the long-term sustainable growth practice required.

The human resource characteristic is seen to be highly effective in helping the organization achieve the relevant objectives. Walt Disney has worked towards continued innovation and growth that improves in the best ways possible (Elmes & Barry, 2017). Thus, there are clear signs of the clear path adopted towards the success levels. The examples developed show that the organization possesses the capabilities of integrating the employees by making them to understand and appreciate their contributions. Furthermore, it ensures the creation of a desirable culture which can be emulated in the industry to set the required examples. The welfare of the employees is appreciated and continuously improved as a result of their intensive contributions to the social structures.


Nevertheless, the company should try to improve the current situation by creating sustainable growth initiatives which benefit various areas. It is imperative that Walt Disney builds on the foundation laid by taking care of the interest of casual employees. The current benefits design only favors the full-time employees, therefore, creating a gap which can be filled through proper analysis and continued reconciliation. It becomes an important trend that helps reduce internal conflict in the company. The successful integration of such a practice works towards the growth of Walt Disney and the continued understanding of its unique role.




Bohas, A. (2015). Transnational Firms and the Knowledge Structure: The Case of the Walt Disney Company. Global Society29(1), 23-41.

Elmes, M., & Barry, D. (2017). Strategy retold: Toward a narrative view of strategic discourse. In The Aesthetic Turn in Management (pp. 39-62). Routledge.

Elnaga, A. A., & Imran, A. (2014). The impact of employee empowerment on job satisfaction: theoretical study. American Journal of Research Communication2(1), 13-26.

Kane, G. C., Palmer, D., Phillips, A. N., Kiron, D., & Buckley, N. (2015). Strategy, not technology, drives digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte University Press14, 1-25.

Kavanagh, M. J., & Johnson, R. D. (Eds.). (2017). Human resource information systems: Basics, applications, and future directions. Sage Publications.

Ligos, M. (2009). How Mickey makes magic. Successful Promotions, 42(5), 44-47. Retrieved from EBSCO

Thomas, B. (2017). Walt Disney: An American Original. Disney Electronic Content.

Westbrooks, E. (2012). Reframing organizations: The human resources frame. Prezi.

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