The exercise is as follows we need to assess a non-profit organization that specialises in the fields of (Visual arts, Fashion, and Architecture & Design) and develop an assessment framework to rank them (please refer to excel sheet). The reason for this assessment of the non-profit organization specialising in those cultural fields, is to know if they are capable to handle projects that can be directly awarded to them by the government sectors responsible for those fields.
(since non-profit organizations play a big part to support those sectors, and the economy and therefore can be delegated by the government and supported “by direct awarding” in order to handle those projects such as make exhibitions, festivals, educate, etc)
Kindly follow those steps: (Please refer to the except sheet tab excel file, excel sheet titles managing art courses and teaching):
- we need to develop a separate excel sheet for each sector to Identify the value chains of each mandates as per the below (MANDATES). (Please look at the attached example on excel sheet for the Visual Arts Sector in parallel to get an idea, each sheet on the bottom of the excel file represent a mandate). Please note each mandate could have a different value chain.
Note: the excel will not include any numbers of finance its just for input
- list the activities under each mandate
- list the ability to facilitate the mandate
- ask a question on their ability
- created options for answers A, B ,C ,D
- Then indicators on your last column
(Below highlighted in red are selected mandates along the supply chain. Most importantly, I have two sheets on the excel document to give you an example of how its supposed to done for the rest and the remaining of the mandates. And for each sector in a separate excel file.
Visual Art file è Sheets (represent value chain, activities, abilities, Question on abilities, answer options, indicators) on each mandate
Fashion è Sheets (represent value chain, activities, abilities, Question on abilities, answer options, indicators) on each mandate
Architecture & designs è Sheets (represent value chain, activities, abilities, Question on abilities, answer options, indicators) on each mandate
Below are the mandates (ambitions) for each of the creative fields in culture listed. And in particular (Visual arts, Fashion, and Architecture & Design). The sector in general and broadly speaking need to achieve those mandates or ambitions. Therefore, the non-profit organization need to be able to achieve them too, and to be assessed on their capabilities or abilities to them in order to be rewarded directly without guarantees by the government.
Please note all the below are Mandates on the value chain of each field, which you need to develop separate sheets for on “field excel file”. Those mandates/ambitions are the sector ambitions to be achieved within the in the next 10 years for each sector.
Visual arts – Value chain & mandates
(Important Note: Highlighted in red are 2 examples of mandates that I have included an example for their assessment on the excel sheet) – The task is to do the same for the rest of the mandated on each sector while listing the value chain, activities, and abilities, form the questions, and possible answers as illustrated on the excel sheet). Please note, value chain could vary from one mandate to another.
- Managing Visual Art Studios
- Managing showrooms, viewings, exhibitions spaces for art and operating them
- Managing events that raise awareness on the local designers
- Interlocutory Campaigns on visual art for awareness
- Assignment of art work
- Education Scholarships to art schools
Education and talent
- General Courses on drawing and sculpting and the rest of visual arts
- Teaching program for visual arts
Developing absorptive capabilities and professional training
- Residency programs
- Workshops and exchange programs specialised for visual artists
Regulations and regulation framworks
- Registered Artists in professional associations
- Electronic art exhibitions to make available Opportunity to sell local artworks
Fashion – value chain and mandates
- Innovation of heritage fashion designs
- Producing fashion designs
- Small Fashion Events Medium
- Fashion festivals
- Important induction campaigns on Fashion & Fashion Heritage
- Grants for people working in Fashion projects
- Scholarships for fashion design students
- Public forums and educational seminars on fashion and trends
- Fashion education programmes in schools and universities
- Fashion Design Residency Programs
- creating workshops for fashion professionals
- Making fashion and specialists who are registered in professionals associations
Architecture & Design – Value chain and mandates
- Codification and archiving of traditional architectural and interior design methods
- Holding events for professionals and the public to discuss the latest developments in architecture
- Awareness-raising campaigns on traditional construction methods using clay and clay.
- Grants for projects for the restoration of Historical buildings
- Public courses and talks on traditional architecture and interior design methods
- Workshops and professional training programmes for renovation architects
- Architects registered with professional associations
- Assessment and approval of historical architectural assets