Case Study Analysis: A Brand Under Attack: The Boycott of Stoli Vodka and the Power of Social Media


  1. Describe the crisis, its characteristics, and potential consequences on the organization. Was the company’s immediate response satisfactory? Give a detailed evaluation of the company’s efforts.
  2. Should Stoli vodka be considered a Russian brand? In the age of globalized supply chains, what qualifies a brand’s authenticity to a country? Does it matter?
  3. Using the Twitter data diagrams in Case Exhibits 8-10, provide an analysis of the crisis in terms of time, sentiment, and intensity.  Explain how the data can be used to manage the crisis.
  4. Using the news coverage data in Case Exhibit 7, provide an analysis of the crisis in terms of time, sentiment, and intensity.  Explain how the data can be used to manage the crisis.
  5. Brainstorm a plan of action for Stoli. Consider the following:
  6. How can Stoli marketing executives communicate the firm’s good intentions (in the past and present) and support of the LGBT community in an effective manner?
  7. How can it restore brand equity and maintain a favorable image in the marketplace?


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