Introduction to Western Political Thought Fall 2024
Textual analysis term papers are not research papers, but logical arguments answering the assigned question based on your own interpretation and evidence from the text. Your essay should be approximately 1000-1250 words (in black, single-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins). In terms of content your paper must include: (1) an easily identifiable thesis statement that answers, with an intellectual position, the assigned question; (2) a coherent argument that logically answers the entire question and proves the thesis statement by demonstrating original thinking on the assigned question; (3) evidence for all major points of argumentation with a proper reference in Chicago Manual of Style to the EXACT PAGE NUMBER where this information is found in the approved version of text (essays without evidence to the approved version of the text will be given a grade of 0); (4) be free of spelling and grammatical errors; (5) indicated word count; and (6) contain a bibliography in Chicago Manual of Style. If you are not sure how to provide evidence in the Chicago Manual of Style, a short reference guide is found on Moodle.
Note on Secondary Sources: You are expected to answer the question without consulting secondary sources. If you do consult secondary sources or use historical examples or other philosophical texts to answer the question [and, there is no expectation that you do so], ensure your sources are appropriate for university level essays, such as peer-reviewed journal articles or books, and are relevant to the question. You must acknowledge all consulted sources that influenced your thinking, of whatever kind, in your argument and bibliography (for further information see the Departmental Statement on Plagiarism in the syllabus).
All students must submit a term paper on Plato.
Explain why Socrates claims that he did not get involved in politics by directly advising the assembly about what is just? Do you agree with Socrates that a just man will not survive long in politics? Why or why not?