This is a narrative assignment using the appropriate template and headings. See the Document Contents section of this guide for additional guidance.

Your submission will include the following:

Title Block

·  Last Name, First Name

·  Cognate

·  Research Paradigm

·  Planned Research Design (Case Study or Consulting Project)

·  Proposed Topic

The body of the document will include:

·  Introductory paragraph

·  Diagram showing all elements of the framework and flow of action and information

·  Concepts – The concepts (i.e. higher productivity is related to higher job satisfaction) that are related to your research study. Use sub-points for each concept. Start with a descriptor and then discuss the concept.

Theories – The formal theories (i.e. Maslow’s Motivational Theory, Transformational

Leadership Theory, etc.) that are related to your research study. Use sub-points for each

theory. Start with the name of the theory and then discuss it.

Actors – The people groups (i.e. leaders, followers, accountants, etc.) or organizations that

are related to your research study. Start with a Descriptor and then discuss the actor.

Constructs & Variables – The variables found in your research study (i.e. profit, leadership style, intrinsic motivation, etc.) Start with a descriptor and then discuss the construct or


Relationship Between Concepts, Theories, Actors, Constructs, and Variables – Detailed

discussion of the interaction and flow of information and action between the elements of

the research framework.


Reference list

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