Task 1 − Written responses

In this this task, you are required to demonstrate a professional level of knowledge and

understanding in relation to ‘professional, ethical and inclusive behaviours’.

To complete the task, you should provide a written response to each of the points, making appropriate use of academic theory and practical examples to expand your response and illustrate key points.

To help the reader, please make use of headings and assessment criteria references to signpost

 Hints and Tips:Review the guidance on the assessment brief and grading gridYour responses should be 2100 +/- 10%. Refer to the CIPD word count policy for more information.

the assessment criteria being addressed.

Task 1 − Written responses

In this this task, you are required to demonstrate a professional level of knowledge and

understanding in relation to ‘professional, ethical and inclusive behaviours’.

To complete the task, you should provide a written response to each of the points, making appropriate use of academic theory and practical examples to expand your response and illustrate key points.

To help the reader, please make use of headings and assessment criteria references to signpost

the assessment criteria being addressed.

 Hints and Tips:Review the guidance on the assessment brief and grading gridYour responses should be 2100 +/- 10%. Refer to the CIPD word count policy for more information.
   Hints and Tips:Explain what it means to be a people professional, including; definition and personal values (for example,fairness, honesty, exclusivity, or the concept of professional integrity

Task 1 − Point 1

PointCriteriaSignpost to VLC
Define the term professional and explain what it means to be a ‘people professional’AC 1.1 Appraise what it means to be a people professional.Week 1
 Hints and Tips:Define and explain the concepts of CPD e.g., “a combination of approaches, ideas and techniques that will help you manage your own learning and growth” (CIPD) and Reflective Practice.Explore of how the role of a people professional is changing. e.g.:People practice moving from admin to strategyThe people professional is more people-focused and tech-savvyMore specialisms and job titles e.g., Chief Happiness Officer, Chief Heart Officer, Lead People Data Scientist etc.Explore the impact these changes have on CPD e.g., the activities, duration and/or technology

Task 1 − Point 2

PointCriteriaSignpost to VLC
Explore how the role of a people professional (either a generalist or a particular specialist) is evolving and the priorities this raises for continuing professional development (CPD)AC 3.1 Explore how the role of a people professional is evolving and the implications this has for continuing professional development.Week 1
   Hints and Tips:Outline how three examples of your own personal values (for example, equality, valuing others, fairness) impact (or couldimpact) on your work as a people professionalRecognition of how these values and beliefs shape ways of working and work relationships -and impact of this for your colleagues.

Task 1 − Point 3

PointCriteriaSignpost to VLC
Discuss the concept of ‘ethical values’, and how at least three ethical values that you hold personally, impact (or could impact) on your work as a people professional.AC 1.2 Recognise how personal and ethical values can be applied in the context of people practice.Week 2

Task 1 − Point 4

PointCriteriaSignpost to VLC
Explain why it is essential for people professionals to contribute confidently to discussions, and ways of doing this that are: Informedclearengaging.AC 1.3 Consider the importance of people professionals contributing to discussions in an informed, clear and confident way to influence others.Week 2
  Hints and Tips:     Explain a contextual example where you have contributed to discussions and ways of doing this that are informed; clear and engaging.   Provide some examples; could include being courageous in speaking up, ensuring key processes are followed or improving practices in HR, L&D and OD.   Make reference to application of good people practices.  

Task 1 − Point 5

PointCriteriaSignpost to VLC
Discuss when and how to raise concerns when issues such as organisational policies or leadership approaches conflict with ethical values or legislation.AC 1.4 Recognise when and how you would raise matters which conflict with ethical values or legislation.Week 2
  Hints and Tips:Explain a contextual example of when and how you have raised concerns regarding conflicts with ethical values or legislation. Examples could include discrimination, harassment, or unfair dismissal processes. Reference organisational policies or leadership approaches such as Whistleblowing, CIPD values and Code of Conduct.
 Hints and Tips: Provide an argument for ethical people practices underpinned with some supporting theory, such as Rock, Maslow, and Pink.Discuss the business and human benefits of people at work feeling included, valued, and fairly treated. E.g., What does Pink say about motivation and reward? How does this support your argument?Consider job satisfaction or enhanced worker well-being, reduced sickness or increased retention. You could apply the CIPD Insight report here

Task 1 − Point 6

PointCriteriaSignpost to VLC
Provide a robust argument for ethical people practice that is supported by academic theory and details both the business and human benefits of people at work feeling included, valued and fairly treatedAC 2.1 Argue the human and business benefits of people feeling included, valued, and fairly treated at work linking to related theory.Weeks 2 & 3

Task 1 − Point 7

PointCriteriaSignpost to VLC
Drawing on your own or a hypothetical example of providing a people practice solution to meet a particular need or introducing a new policy or initiative, describe: strategies for designing the solution/initiative so that it will be inclusivestrategies for checking that, when in practice, the solution/initiative engages and meets the needs of all those it is aimed atAC 2.2 Discuss strategies for designing and ensuring inclusive people practices.Week 3
Hints and Tips:
  • Identify an example of a solution that meets a particular need for introducing a new policy or initiative, with some insight into the need and reasons for the solution. For example, by introducing flexible working in response to an engagement survey and benchmarking research.
  • Describe strategies for designing and checking the solution to ensure it is inclusive and meets the needs of all those it is aimed at.
  • Strategies for design could be enabling others to have a voice when designing and delivering solutions which impact them through discussions, emails, research or consultation activities,
  • Strategies for checking could be through informal/ formal feedback.

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