- Answer one of the two questions below (if you answer both, only the first answer in your document will be graded). Type your answer in a Word document and upload to Blackboard. Do not type directly into the box. If you do not use Word, you can upload a PDF.
- This is an “open book” exam. You may consult class material during your preparation, and you must refer to readings and lectures in your answer. Even if you do not directly quote class material, you should cite the class material from where you get your ideas. An answer that does not refer to class material will not get a good grade (see rubric). For purposes of this assignment only, you can use a simplified citation, as follows (you are welcome to use the full Chicago author-date format as instructed in the syllabus if you wish):
- For readings, refer to them simply by first author last name and page number if direct quote. Put the reference in parenthesis after the applicable sentence, but before any final periods. For example, a reference to the textbook should look like this (Spear, p. 2) or (Spear).
- For material from lectures, simply put: (lecture). No date or class is necessary.
- Make sure that you answer the question posted in full. The goal of this test is to assess your understanding of the class material. It is not an opinion piece, nor should you rely on non-class material unless specifically instructed to do so.
- You do not need an introduction or conclusion per se. The first paragraph of your answer should succinctly and clearly state your argument (which is your response to the question). Following paragraph(s) should provide the evidence in support of your answer, from the course material.
- Make sure that you proofread your answer and correct spelling or grammar mistakes. Grammar, spelling, and organization will affect your grade. If you need help with your writing, you are encouraged to use the university’s writing center:
- There is no hard word limit (minimum or maximum) as such, but aim for at least 500 words and no more than 1,000 words (for the sake of comparison, this entire handout, without the rubric, is about 500 words).
- The deadline (note this is an extension of the due in the syllabus; this extension does not affect the late policy).
Questions (answer one):
- Explain how the war in Ukraine exemplifies three different themes from Part II of the syllabus (starting with March 1 and ending with March 31). For purposes of this answer, you do not have to cite any sources you may have consulted to get information about Ukraine and the take home is not a test of your knowledge of the war in Ukraine. This is the test of your understanding of the class material; pick three examples from the relevant class periods and describe how these are further exemplified by your understanding of the Ukraine war.
- The United Nations (including its various bodies such as the Security Council and the General Assembly and agencies such as UNDP, UNODA, UNHCR, etc.) has been frequently mentioned in the readings and in lectures. Using examples from Part II only, give three examples of how the United Nations shapes either contemporary understandings of human security, or specific topics and processes under the human security label.
Your grade on the assignment will be A-F and the rubric below will be used (the same rubric is on Blackboard). This assignment counts for 17% of your overall class grade. The number in parenthesis after each criterion is that criterion’s respective weight toward the assignment grade. The competency levels correspond to letter grades; not that there is no ‘F’ as such. If an assignment completely misses a criterion target, the grade will be manually overridden to an F and the student can re-write the assignment.
Competency Level | ||||
Criterion | Unsatisfactory (65%) | Needs Improvement (75%) | Competent (85%) | Highly Competent (100%) |
Writing (spelling and grammar)(30%) | Such a large number of spelling or grammatical mistakes that the answer is unclear. | Substantial spelling or grammar mistakes, but overall meaning is nonetheless clear. | No more but a couple of typos. | No spelling or grammatical mistakes. |
Organization (20%) | Answer is much less shorter/longer than required (50% over/under) | Answer is significantly shorter/longer than required; poorly organized (lacking paragraphs) | Answer is within 10% of the min/max limit. Answer is well organized (1 paragraph per point) | Answer is within word limits; has a clear opening paragraph as detailed above; organized into paragraphs |
Argument (50%) | Only one example that is well-supported/ | Only two well-supported examples, or three examples that are collectively lacking engagement with course material. | Includes three examples appropriate to the question and each is supported with examples from course material. | Meets “competent” level but shows particularly sophisticated or insightful engagement with course material. |