600 words 

Part 1

Having experienced a robust debate discussion on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends (SWOTT) analysis and strategic planning for a particular fast-food franchise, it is time to shift gears a bit and consider the competition in the fast-food industry. Read this article to frame this week’s discussion. Complete the following:

  • Identify 1 or 2 other major competitors in the fast-food industry, and describe their sources of competitive advantage. 
  • Discuss a current issue that this industry faces. It could be favorable or unfavorable to the industry. 
  • Which of the major competitors has the strongest competitive advantage and ability to overcome the barriers presented by the current issues identified and why? 

Part 2: Based on the first initial of your last name:

·  First initial A-L: provide an argument ‘AGAINST’ the ability of the competition to overtake fast-food franchise. Submit your position by posting in the Unit 2 Debate forum, under the ‘AGAINST’ topic.

In both considerations, provide research that supports your assertions. 

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