Students will be required to submit a 1500-word critical appraisal.

The essay should include a discussion of the leadership approach required to implement a successful quality improvement project, which the student is required to identify.

+ Students are required to submit a 1500-word appraisal. The essay should include a discussion of the leadership approach required to implement a successful quality improvement project, which the student is required to identify.

My Choice : The introduction of Oxevision, new technology to enhance the wellbeing and safety of patients in a significant mental health crisis.

Main focus of the essay should be set below:

  • Emphasis on:
  • Transformational leadership to be used
  • Service-user’s active participation
  • Main Body – (Structure)

+ Critically analyse the leadership approach you have used

+ How have you/would you lead on this quality improvement project??

+ Consider your role as a leader in this project (even if you do not think you are specifically a leader in your role).

+ Demonstrate your leadership approach to this project and it’s implementation.

+ Show specific discussions about leadership, including barriers and enablers to change and how you would work with these.

+ Critically discuss how this project and your leadership approach will improve patient care and/or services and how these will be evaluated.

+ You must demonstrate the importance of serviceuser involvement and co-production in health care

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