Structural Frame-Walt Disney

Organizational design is an important concept in a company perspective since it helps enhance structural development. It is a step-by-step methodology which seeks to make sure that a company’s dysfunctional aspects of work flow, procedures, structures and systems are aligned to help it achieve significant developments. In most cases, the concept usually determines the success levels of the organization, therefore, making it mandatory that the relevant companies are constantly reminded of the importance of a sound and relatable organizational structure. Furthermore, the important nature of the attribute creates the need for involvement of different stakeholders during the formulation and implementation of the organizational design policies.

Walt Disney has over the years managed to establish itself as a leading diversified mass media and entertainment conglomerate. The success of the company has been partially due to its effective understanding of the need for a proper organizational design that appreciates the inputs of the different stakeholders as well as aligning itself with its specific mission, vision as well as the objectives. The company takes up an organizational structure which is responsible for the facilitation of the achievement and maintenance of synergy through the related operations of various business segments. The diversification strategies of the company have seen it take up four major business segments that are Studio Entertainment, Parks and Resorts, Media Networks and Consumer Products (Mannheim, 2016). The organizational structures create the functional groups for centralization that ensure the four major business initiatives are closely linked to achieve reasonable goals in the long run. Evidence is seen in the initiatives taken up the company headquarters to prioritize strategies that benefit multiple divisions. Particular examples are drawn for the characters from new movies as adopted in the studio entertainment segment. The particular characters are used in the company’s Disneyland amusement parks; Parks and Resorts segment as well as in its products; Consumer Products segment.

Walt Disney’s structure, evidently, is effective since it relates to the company’s ability to accomplish its stated purpose. The adopted initiatives related to the functional groups makes sure that the diversified interest are all incorporated to a given single entity, therefore, creating room for consistent growth and development. The structure is also able to capitalize on its various as expressed in the divisions and segments. The result is that the relevant approaches are able to provide and coordinate simultaneous growth amongst each of the divisions while making sure that they are aligned with the respective objectives. The mission of The Walt Disney Company is to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information (De Groote, 2011). The adoption of the synergy relatable through the different segments helps the company achieve the mission. The factor is due to its ability to simultaneously enhance growth measures through coordinated understanding of their individual roles initiated towards growth in the long-term. Furthermore, the structure taken up by the company is able to provide guarantees on the maintenance of the required competitive advantage levels that are important owing to the nature of the market. The attribute is achieved through the adoption of synergy by which the actions of a given segment of the company directly influence those of the other segment. Thus, it becomes easy to facilitate continuous growth and development in the different company sectors.

Various aspects of the company’s structural framework stand out and enhance continued understanding. Diversification is an important policy adopted by the company and has been credited for the particular success levels that have been attained over the years. The adoption of the Studio Entertainment, Parks and Resorts, Media Networks and Consumer Products as major business groups have made sure that the organization effectively enhances achievement of desirable objectives by closely adopting standards required (Stein, 2011). The success of the project has been achieved through the attainment of synergy in the development initiatives in instances that require constant monitoring. Additionally, the diversification efforts taken up by the company have allowed it to maintain a significant level of competition through reinforcing its quality. The company faces strong competition in the industry from various companies such as Sony, therefore, making it important that it enhances certain strong quality programs that can then be used to maintain its position. It has also ensured that it has bought the strategic assets it requires in the long run, therefore, putting it a better position to maximize on the various benefits that come from the diversification strategies. Essentially, the company has been able to take up diversification as a policy and integrate it with various important levels of leadership. It has understood the importance of closely involving different stakeholders in the policy formulation and implementation, therefore, reducing possible friction that may jeopardize the overall efforts it has enhanced. Ultimately, the organization initiates lasting developments that allow it to leapfrog other companies and ultimately achieve its desirable interests (Hou & Reber, 2011). Thus, one is able to identify the fact that the policy has been effective in making sure that the company achieves its objectives.

The policy as enhanced in the assumptions fits the expected outcomes by creating desirable initiatives. The first instance relates to the existence of the organization as a mechanism for the attainment of the set goals and objectives. The company’s website explains it as the major goal behind its development, therefore, enhancing the continued role of the assumption. The adoption of diversification has also helped the company achieve its desirable objectives by increasing efficiency and performance through division of labor and specialization. The unique role taken up by the segments of the business have been facilitated by the concept (Watts, 2013). It is a situation in which the particular experts in each of the segments are recruited to help the company achieve independent success. The concept has also enhanced appropriate measures of control through properly understanding the role of each department and working towards ensuring that they are adopted in the long term. It becomes easier for the relevant units to independently ensure the success initiatives of each department, therefore, laying down the most effective framework which is required. Furthermore, the employees have been able to put personal preferences aside and work towards making sure that the policy is a success. The initiative has allowed other companies to understand the unique framework and design approach taken up, therefore, making it easy for the constant attainment of better objectives in the long-term. The structure, additionally, has been able to fit effectively in the organizational premises, therefore, ensuring continued adoption and development which is important for the business. Its structural adoption has made sure that the best appropriate initiatives are taken up through periodic analysis and restructuring to enable effectiveness.

The mission and vision statement of the company are also essential in the bid to ensure the continued development of the organization. The company’s vision is to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. It demonstrates the strategic developments regarding certain abilities which should be regularly improved over the years. It shows the global nature of the company which expounds on its scope in the long term. The statement also shows leadership qualities in the abilities of the responsible individuals in the production department. The strategic aspect as a potential development in the vision is regularly improved to enhance better measures (Cheu, 2015). The mission statement also encourages significant areas of interest in the sector through touching on specific development attributes. The major factors relate to the content and the customers as well as the effect of creativity and innovative aspects.

The statements are enhanced in the assumptions of the structural framework, therefore, providing links with the organizational objectives in the long term. The mission and vision of Walt Disney signifies its existence as the primary mechanism for the attainment of its objectives. The vision communicates certain aspects of the goals, therefore, making it easy to initiate the better methods of attainment and links. The statements have been able to enhance the continued integration of division of labor and specialization attributes. The intense factors adopted make it easy to regulate desirable attributes in the synergetic relationships amongst the responsible personnel. The adopted statements have made it easy for the relevant personnel in in the organization to enhance coordination through taking advantage of each of their individual inputs. They have made it easy to achieve diversification through understanding the individual advantages of each employee and initiating respective options which can then be adopted over the given period. Ultimately, the statements have been developed in such a way that they are able to take into consideration the goals, technology, workforce and environment. The harmonization of each of the mechanisms allows constant improvements through identification and appreciation of each of the roles taken up by the company initiatives. Ultimately, it will be effective in the attainment of long-term objectives in the company.

The case of Walt Disney has shown the importance of varied structural frameworks and how the integration is important in the achievement of success. However, the company shows significant weaknesses which disadvantage its organizational structure and the related strategic aspects. The design imposes certain constraints on the diversification mechanisms, thus, reducing possibilities of lasting developments. The situation is seen in the case where the centralization mechanism through the functional groups limits the overall degree of the business initiative. The limits adopted in key areas such as branding also affect the ultimate initiative which can then be incorporated in the long term.

There is, therefore, need to make sure that there are adopted recommendations which work towards the attainment of success. The loopholes existing in the organizational structure can be advanced to ensure continued growth and development of Walt Disney. The company can try to improve the corporate structure in such a way that there is understanding of the centralization factors and its constant improvement initiatives. The improvements will ensure that the constraints are regularly improved and outlined in the best ways possible, therefore achieving set goals.




Cheu, J. (Ed.). (2015). Diversity in Disney films: Critical Essays on race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and disability. McFarland.

De Groote, P. (2011). Globalisation of commercial theme parks Case: the Walt Disney Company. APSTRACT: Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce5.

Hou, J., & Reber, B. H. (2011). Dimensions of disclosures: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting by media companies. Public Relations Review37(2), 166-168.

Mannheim, S. (2016). Walt Disney and the quest for community. Routledge.

Stein, A. (2011). Why we love Disney: The power of the Disney brand. New York: Peter Lang.

Watts, S. (2013). The magic kingdom: Walt Disney and the American way of life. University of Missouri Press.F

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