Evaluation Criteria

The purpose of this paper is to conduct a situation analysis, the fundamental first step in the strategic marketing process. Specifically, this paper will provide an overview of the selected organization and market opportunity, the market segments, and the competitive environment.

Your analysis is expected to integrate terms from your course readings, as your application of these critical concepts will serve to demonstrate your knowledge of them. This paper is required to follow APA format and to include a cover sheet, list of (at least 12) references, and appendices. The final document should be no less than 10 pages and must not exceed 12 pages of content (not including the cover sheet, list of references, and appendices). The document should be double-spaced, with 1” margins, and should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font or something similar. The final paper must be submitted as an MS Word document. You should use the following bold headings to strengthen the organization of your arguments. Subheadings may also be used as appropriate.


Brief overview of selected topic and what will be addressed in this situation analysis. Be certain to state your point of view (i.e., are you a consulting team for the organization, the internal marketing team, etc.). 


Highlight the mission, core values and competitive advantage(s) as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. Outline selected market opportunity (market penetration, market development, product development or diversification) and emphasize how it aligns with the brand.

Market Profile

Examine market size, market share (if applicable), and product life cycle stage; evaluate industry trends to include a PEST analysis of political, economic, social and technological forces; consider potential ethical and social responsibility issues. Develop a SWOT analysis, using the internal insights gained in the Background for the strengths and weaknesses and the external insights grained in the Market Profile for opportunities and threats. 

Market Segmentation and Target Market

Provide a brief overview of two potential market segments and analyze these market characteristics to include demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioral factors; develop “personas” for each of these market segments; from these market segments select a specific target market for purposes of the marketing strategy and final presentation.

Competitive Analysis and Competitive Positioning

Analyze at least three competitors relative to those elements that are most important for your marketing strategy (such as brand equity, product positioning, pricing, distribution, promotions, etc.); include a perceptual map or other visual tool to highlight the positioning of your product relative to the competition (the perceptual map can include a greater number of competitors than the three that were selected for the detailed analysis).

SMART Objectives and Proposed Marketing Strategy

This concluding section should outline the proposed SMART objective(s) and how they will drive the marketing strategy and the final presentation. 

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