In this assignment, choose a service that you currently use or have used in the past that you think does a good job of marketing their service and meeting their customers’ needs. Examples might include your college, your financial services institution, a hotel chain, a dog walking service, hair/nail salon, DNA testing services, etc. Evaluate the four key characteristics (intangibility, inseparability, perishability, and variability) as they relate to your chosen company and make recommendations to the company on how they can improve in these areas. In your paper, address the following:
1. Provide a brief introduction to your chosen company, what services they provide, where they are located, how many employees they have etc. and explain why you chose this company.
2. What is the service company’s branding strategy? Some items you might want to consider in this section are:
a. How do they position their brand?
b. Do they have a well-established name brand recognition?
c. Do they use crowdsourcing?
d. Do they use private-label branding or brand extensions?
3. Provide several recommendations of how this company can improve its service offerings as they relate to the service characteristics. Provide specific examples and research to support your work.
4. Evaluate each of the 4 key service characteristics as it applies to the company.
Include at least three scholarly sources to support your work.
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