Utilizing your knowledge and additional research of Response to Intervention (RTI)/Pyramid of Intervention or your local intervention program, write a 750-1,000-word proposal that could be submitted to a district Curriculum Director promoting a school-wide curricular Pyramid of Intervention/local intervention program. Your proposal must incorporate school-based data and/or evidence-based research to substantiate the need for the intervention program, you selected.


Include the following in your proposal:


  1. A diagram that you create, which displays the levels and the interventions encompassed within each.
  2. Describe the types of school-based data required to evaluate learning needs and assign tiered intervention support.
  3. Broad steps you would take as a principal to implement the program
  4. Describe how the program aligns to district curriculum.
  5. Describe goals for the program including the evaluative data sources that will demonstrate if those goals are met,
  6. Provide a rationale for the program in terms of outcomes and how it meets student learning needs.
  7. Describe how the proposal supports the school’s vision and mission.
  8. Substantiate your program with 3-5 scholarly resources.
  9. Share your tiered intervention program with your mentor principal and obtain feedback.


In 100-250 words, compose a reflective summary of the presentation to include:


  1. Feedback you received;
  2. Improvements you would make based on the feedback;

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