Use the two video examples of Bobby McFerrin’s work to write the following reflection paper. You may upload a file or enter your text online.

Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale:

1. You must provide enough information to enable you to explore the cultural meanings and human significance of each video. Whether you discuss the works separately or in comparison with one another, your response should demonstrate your grasp of the terms and concepts appropriate for analyzing the music demonstrations from each example and how these artistic expressions shape, reflect, or critique the society from which they come.

2. Your response should also address how different individuals and cultures might approach these two video examples depending on race, gender, nationality, age, socio-economic status, etc.  Use your own experiences and the responses from the audience as a guide to exploring this question. 

A considered response is likely to require at least two full paragraphs, about one page of typewritten text.  Your word count should be between 300-500 words.

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