Choose one of the following topics on which to base your essay. The length should be 1000-1200 words. 

Format of Paper

 All essays should be typed and double-spaced. They should have a title page (with an evocative title). Your name, assignment number, class, and date should appear towards the right-hand bottom of the title page. Do not repeat your title on the first page of the essay. Do not number the first page of your essay. 


Re-imagine “The Guest” as told from the Arab’s point of view. (You might even give him a name.) As an omniscient narrator, what do you think is going through his mind as events unfold? What is he thinking in deciding which path to take? [A point of interest: in his notes, Camus considered having Daru give him the wrong instructions as to which way was towards freedom and which towards prison.] Finally, write a separate commentary discussing why you made the authorial decisions you did. You’re free to rework the plot as well.

Source: “Exile and the Kingdom” by Albert Camus 
“The Guest” is a short story within this book (pg. 67-86)
I will upload a pdf of this short story.

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