Question 1
Many surveys found that many people do not know much about details of their own pension plans. Most people don’t even know the difference between defined benefits vs defined contribution plans. In this discussion board, please share your thoughts on this topic. You can comment on your general observations on pensions, people’s attitude about them, or share your personal experience.
Question 2
In this module, you have learned how a U.S. importer/exporter that trades with a foreign company will often have to pay/receive foreign currencies, and the different ways it can hedge itself against undesirable volatility of exchange rates with forward contracts. If you have a choice, at which point will you enter into such forward contracts for hedging purposes? i.e. would be prefer hedging against expected cashflow (before you even sign a contract with any foreign company), against firm commitment (after you have signed the contract, but before delivery of goods) or against an account payable or account receivable (after delivery of goods)? Why?
Question 3
In this module, you have learned how companies come up with their interim financial reports. Please pick a publicly traded company of your choice, look up its more recent quarterly report on its website, and comment on your observations regarding the company’s performance in that quarter. Do you notice any difference in the presentation of information from the annual financial statements?