Project Scope
A project scope document defines and controls what is and is not included in a project. Scope definition involves dividing major deliverables into smaller, more manageable components. Remember, your scope statement forms the basis for agreement between the project and the project stakeholders by identifying both the project objectives and deliverables. This information can also be used to create a work breakdown structure and project schedule for the project.
Your scope definition should:
Improve accuracy of cost, duration, and resource estimates.
Define a baseline for performance measurement and control.
Facilitate clear assignment of responsibilities.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
A work breakdown structure, or WBS, is used to define and integrate all the activities included in the project scope. Remember that there is a one-to-one relationship between the project scope and WBS. All the work included in the scope document should be included in your WBS.
Create the following two course project planning items with suggested templates and preceding assignment charter. Plan to submit separate documents for each.
Scope Document: Use the Scope Statement Template found in the Resources to create the scope for your project. Make modifications and add information as needed to the template to ensure the scope statement is exactly as you want it. 
Work Breakdown Structure: Prepare a WBS for your course project. Remember, you must first break down your project into major work elements, noting who is responsible for each. You must also consider if the work element is concurrently done with another work element, or if it is it in a series and cannot start until the previous element is completed. This activity will start to define your timeline and critical path.

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