Please write a three-page paper about post-modernism. Choose one of the many variants of post-modernism discussed in class or covered within the textbook. Explore and summarize this particular thread of post-modernism that you have chosen. Who were the architects working in this vein of post-modernism? What was their design philosophy? How was this approach a challenge to Modernism? Provide examples both in writing and in your included figures.This paper should be three type written single sided double-spaced pages with one-inch margins. If required, support your argument with fully cited research. Use the MLA guide for academic writing. In addition, please illustrate your argument with at least two figures. These could be photographs, paintings, drawings or any other images you choose. The figures, labeled “Fig. 1, 2 etc” should appear as an attachment at the end of the essay, have a full citation and be referenced within the text of your essay.