Write a research position paper: A position paper – no less than twenty pages, no more than fifty pages – should research, authenticate, and endorse or reject a belief in and demonstrate an understanding of three theological, doctrinal themes from either the Old Testament or New Testament, whichever is the student’s specialization. The three topics of interest for me are Christology, Hamartiology, and Bibliology. 
Christology is the doctrine about Jesus of Nazareth. Christology is the part of theology which looks toward the dynamics and work of Jesus, including issues such as the Incarnation, the Resurrection, and his divine and human natures as well as their relationships.
Hamartiology comes as a result of the Greek word meaning sin. Hamartiology, consequently, would be the analysis of sin. Originating from a biblical viewpoint, the study includes exactly how sin was introduced ,and the way it impacts the man-kind right now, the resolution to the sin issue of humanity, the judgment of sin, as well as the removal of sin after time.
Hamartiology initially functions to make biblical meaning of sin just before delving into the different areas of sin. In a nutshell, sin is actually described as “missing the mark” of God’s righteousness, via transgression of His rebellion or laws against The rule of his. The Bible clearly states that most humans (except Jesus Christ as each divine and human) have sinned and fall short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). While many individuals sin much more than others, “there isn’t one righteous, not one” (Romans 3:10 NIV).
Bibliology is the research of the Bible. Christians believe that the Bible will be the inspired Word of God and reveals God’s plan and desire to be connected with individuals. The perspective of ours on the Bible determines precisely how we comprehend things as Salvation and Jesus Christ.
Bibliology shows us that the Bible is actually “breathed out” by God, and the words are thus right – they are inerrant. Although God used the styles & individuality of the human authors of Scripture, He was still capable of producing The Word of his and what He needed to speak with individuals. The Bible, Christians think, is made alive by God’s authorship and the Holy Spirit that brings meaning to the Bible as we read through it, and as we ask Him to make it clear to u

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