Assignment- discuss your role as PM and other roles for stakeholders on how do deal with the following situation. 

Situation #1

As the project team is planning the WBS and work assignments, there is a lot of disagreement about what work is actually to be included in this particular project. For example, when issues of software testing, user training, and documentation came up, some people thought these things should be part of the project while others thought that since the customer didn’t specifically ask for it that it should not be included. 

Also, as the project team creates the WBS, some deliverables listed in the scope statement still have a great deal of confusion regarding specifications – which can greatly affect how much work is involved.  Also, in this WBS creation meeting, the team has some new creative ideas for the project that would add some work but would also be very valuable.

The schedule and the budget are clearly specified.  What should the project manager do to clarify the scope?

Situation #2

The project team is overworked and the project decisions they are faced with can be controversial and difficult. Lately when the team gathers for meetings to make important decisions they feel rushed for time.  Although none of them want to admit it, their project decisions are often rubber stamped or treated as unimportant just so that they can move on and get out of the meeting.

Since this has happened repeatedly on this project they are all feeling disgusted with themselves as well as demoralized. They are the project management “team” and they will all be held accountable for the success of the project. However, at this rate none of them truly thinks it will end successfully due to the poor decisions that have been made and continue to be made.

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