In this assignment, you will apply your critical-thinking skills and personal reflection to Canadian social welfare, history, and social work perspectives for the purpose of assessing your own personal fit with one or more of the professions of social work, human services, or social services.
Your statement will include three elements:
critical reflection on the character of social welfare, its history, and values
your statement of personal fit with the disciplines of social work, social services, and/or human services
your preferred level and field of practice, including but not limited to those ordinarily associated with social work practice
In your statement, address your:
strengths and interests, and those you are developing, that would fit your chosen profession
strengths, values, and limitations along with options for the further exploration of your educational and career goals and aspirations
an area of practice in which you might already work or aspire to work in the future
any area of practice or particular client group with which you might feel uncomfortable, including an explanation reservations
uncomfortable, including an explanation reservations
Support your personal statement with what you have learned from the course materials, integrating them into your statement using citations and a reference list. Your statement is to be personal in stating your beliefs, and critical in supporting your beliefs with authorities drawn from the course content and materials.
You are to summarize your own personal reflection, keenest insights, and your most precious learning based on Parts 1 and 2 of the Study Guide while drawing on assigned course materials, especially the relevant text material, online resources, the Canadian Association of Social Workers’ Code of Ethics, and the Guideline for Ethical Practice. Take into account the fit between your own personal values and those of social work, human services, and social services as is most appropriate for you and your current or future educational and career aspirations.

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