Passage Discussions. Write about 4 out of the 8 (no more than four). Whatever number you choose, it’s up to you. You can choose 4 out of 8 and answer them. Do not summarize the contents of the passage; instead, discuss the context and significance of the passage for the understanding of Roman institutions and ideas.
What you need to know when performing this task is that you should think that the time given to write 4 out of 8 answers is 30 minutes and perform this task. This means that you don’t write too long an answer, just write down the key points and simple paragraph
1. The designation familia refers to any sort of group which is legally governed specific to its own status or commonly to an entire related group. Legally we speak of a group of people, specifically as a familia who are subjected to the control (potestas) of an individual either by nature or law. (Ulpian)
2. If—may this not happen—there should be a separation of the married couple because of disagreement, the husband will give to the giver of the dowry, if she is alive, and, if not, to his wife the dowry as described within 60 days of receipt of the demand for restoration, the gold objects in accordance with the reckoning of the weight of each and, with respect to the clothing whose value is estimated, the bride’s representative will take the estimate of the valuation that will be made and he will either receive the sum in silver or take the previous valuation and attribute the wear and waste of them all to the husband.
If the wife should be pregnant when the separation takes place, the husband will give her, for the cost of her confinement, forty drachmas.
3. Hilarion to Alis, my sister, many greetings, and greetings as well to my lady Berous and to Apollonarion. Know that I am now in Alexandria, and you should not worry if they return and I stay in Alexandria. I ask and beg you to be careful of the child, and if I get paid soon I will send money. Above all, if you should give birth and the child is male, let him be, if it is a girl, expose her. You have said to Aphrodisias “do not forget me.” How could I forget you, I beg you not to worry.
4. You provided the most substantial assistance during my exile from your jewelry so that I could take with me the gold and pearls that you took from your own body and handed over to me. Then, providing me with a group of slaves, with money and supplies, cleverly deceiving the watch of our enemies, you enriched my absence.
Having protected my life, while away, an effort your courage encouraged you to make, your devotion defended me through the mercy of those to whom you spoke, and you always spoke with firmness of spirit. While that was happening, you drove off a group of thugs, hired by Milo, whose house I had purchased while he was in exile, who tried, during the civil war, to assault and loot the house, and you bravely defended our home. (Turia)
5. Just as a mirror, decorated with gold and precious stones, unless it shows a true reflection, there is no advantage in a rich wife if she doesn’t she makes her life and expression accord with her husband’s. If the mirror gives back a gloomy image of a happy man, or a cheerful and grinning image of a troubled and gloomy man, it is a failure and worthless. In the same way a wife is worthless and unsuitable who is gloomy when her husband is eager to be playful and affectionate, or is happy and playful when he is troubled. The one is disagreeable, the other is insensitive. (Plutarch Advice on Marriage)
6. If, as they say, the cat smells perfume and is through into confusions and frenzy to frenzy, so too if it happens that women are similarly provoked and deranged by perfumes, it would be a bad thing for their husbands not to abstain from perfume, but for the sake of their own brief pleasure saw their wives suffer in this way. Women are affected in this way, not by their husbands’ using perfume, but by their having mistresses. It is wrong to upset and disturb them for the sake of a trivial pleasure. (Plutarch, Advice on Marriage).
7. Give up all hope of peace while your mother-in-law is still alive. She teaches her daughter to delight in the spoils of a husband stripped to nothing; she teaches her to write replies neither unsophisticated nor artless to a seducer’s love-letters; she escapes or bribes your guards; she calls in Archigenes when there’s nothing the matter with her and lies under heavy blankets; the adulterer lies in hidden and secret, trembling with impatience and draws back his foreskin. Do you really think the mother will teach her daughter honest ways and different habits from her own? No. It profits the old hag to bring up her little girl to be revolting. (Juvenal Satire 6)
8. It is better that she sings than that she boldly races all around the city, attending men’s meetings, talking, with unflinching face and dry nipples, to generals in their military cloaks, as her husband looks on! This woman knows what’s happening all over the world: what the Thracians and Chinese are after, what stepmothers and the slaves know; who is in love, who the adulterer everyone fights over is; she’ll tell you who got the widow pregnant, and in what month; she’ll tell you what each woman says in bed and their positions. She is the first to notice the comet threatening the kings of Armenia and Parthia; she picks up the latest news and rumors at the city gates and makes up some herself: how the Niphates bursts out upon the nations and holds entire districts in a great flood; she tells everyone she meets at the street crossings how cities are tottering and lands sink. (Juvenal Satire 6)