Purpose: To practice developing, building and fostering partnerships with families.

NAEYC Standards: 2a: Knowing about and understanding diverse family and community characteristics; 2b: Supporting and engaging families and communities through respectful, reciprocal relationships; 2c: Involving families and communities in their children’s development and learning

Instructions: Create an outreach series that will develop and build partnerships with families of school age children. Choose two of the following.

  • Create an activity to engage fathers (or male role model in the child’s life)
  • Create an activity to engage a specific cultural group
  • Create an activity to engage the entire family

Required Information: The project should include the following information for both activities.

  • Title of the Event
    • Create a unique title for each event that you will hold
  • Target Audience
    • Name the target audience
    • Identify the Developmentally Appropriate Practice(s) that you, as the educator, are practicing.
    • Use the resource titled, DAP: Engaging in Reciprocal Partnerships with Families and Fostering Community Connections
  • Purpose
    • What is the purpose of the activity?
      • How will the activity develop and build partnerships with families?
  • Description of the activity (provide a response to each question below)
    • What will the teachers need to prepare ahead of time?
    • What materials will be needed?
    • What will the target audience do during the activity?
    • What will the facilitators of the activity do during the activity?
    • What (if anything) will the target audience take home?

Submission Details

Part 1

  • Submit a word document with required information
  • Include all of the information found under the “required information” section

Part 2

  • Submit a brochure or flyer advertising the outreach series
  • Include the following for each event
    • Title of Event
    • Brief summary of the activity (include enough information for the audience to understand the purpose of the activity)
  • Include graphics in the flyer

Resource: NAEYC Developmentally Appropriate Practices

Engaging in Reciprocal Partnerships with Families and Fostering Community Connections



Event TitleEach activity should include a related and logical title0 – 2 points
Target AudienceThe final product includes activities for all three target audiences.0 – 2 points
DAPThe developmentally appropriate practice(s) are identified and the activity supports the listed developmentally appropriate practice(s).0 – 8 points
PurposeThe purpose of the activity is clearly explained and directly relates to the activity.0 – 8 points
ActivityThe activity description includes responses to all of the questions: What will the teachers need to prepare ahead of time? What materials will be needed? What will the target audience do during the activity? What will the facilitators of the activity do during the activity? What (if anything) will the target audience take home?  0 – 18 points
FlyerThe flyer is well organized, includes the title of the event and a brief summary of the activity. The flyer is creative and includes effective use of appropriate graphics.0 – 12 points

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