In Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery,” people follow a tradition blindly, like sheep—often without having any idea why they do so, except to say that it’s the way they’ve always done something.  Can you think of a tradition, law, or rule that people should or should not continue to follow?

  • Look up the history of the tradition, law, or rule. Then, using MLA essay format, explain a little about the history and why the tradition, law, or rule should or should not continue to be followed. 
  • Use two to three pages, plus a work cited page.  Don’t forget in-text citations.
  • Use MLA format as discussed in class and per the examples in chapter 13 in Lester.  Also helpful are chapters 12 and 14 in Lester, especially for citing and documenting sources.
  • Use at least one researched source in your essay, but no more than two.  
  • You’ll need to cite the source(s) in the text of your essay AND on the Work Cited page.
  • You may use the OWL Website, the library, the LTC, your books, me, etc., to review both in-text and Work Cited page citations. 
  • Remember, all information from another source must be cited in the text of your essay AND on the Work Cited page.   No exceptions.  Plagiarism is not an option.  

Please remember that you are to think critically and more globally than a family tradition or holiday, such as Valentine’s Day or Thanksgiving, etc.  However, with a limit of three typed, double-spaced pages, you will need to narrow your topic.  For example, it would be foolish to attempt an essay about the need to redesign America’s political process, but an idea that could be covered in two or three pages might be to limit campaigning to 90 days before all elections.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions, but if you prefer working with LTC and/or the library, take this page with you so they can view the assignment.  Don’t forget that following directions and thinking critically are basic components of this essay.

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