Osteoarthritis is a joint disorders affecting a majority of individuals in the United States[1]. This condition is common, especially among individuals exceeding the age of 60 years[1]. Approximately 32.4 million US adults are affected from this condition[1]. Additionally, 88% of individuals with osteoarthritis are above 45 years[1]. Moreover, 62% of individuals affected from osteoarthritis are women[1]. Roughly 78% of individuals affected from the condition are non-Hispanic whites[1]. The primary cause of this condition entails joint damage[8]. The damage worsens by age leading to osteoarthritis[3]. Dislocated joints and ligament injuries also lead to the disease[14],[16]. Family history and obesity increase individual risks of acquiring osteoarthritis[3]. In this case, individuals with a lot of weight have higher chances of developing the condition as the extra weight initiates stress to the bearing joints[3]. Other potential risk factors include bone deformities and specific metabolic diseases[8].
1) Oa prevalence and burden. (2019, December 23). Retrieved June 24, 2021, from https://oaaction.unc.edu/oa-module/oa-prevalence-and-burden/
2) Ling, S. M., M.D., & Bathon, J. M., M.D. (2019, March 27). Osteoarthritis : Pathophysiology. Retrieved June 24, 2021, from https://www.hopkinsarthritis.org/arthritis-info/osteoarthritis/oa-pathophysiology/#matrix
3) Lozada, C. J., MD. (2021, June 14). Osteoarthritis. Retrieved June 24, 2021, from https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/330487-overview
4) Arthritis: how osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis affect joints. MyDr.com.au. (2017, June 29). https://www.mydr.com.au/arthritis/arthritis-how-osteoarthritis-and-rheumatoid-arthritis-affect-joints/.
5) Wang, X., Oo, W., & Linklater, J. (2018, January 16). What is the role of imaging in the clinical diagnosis of osteoarthritis and disease management? Retrieved June 24, 2021, from https://academic.oup.com/rheumatology/article/57/suppl_4/iv51/4812624
6). O’Connell, K. (2019, November 26). What you need to know about joint swelling. Retrieved June 24, 2021, from https://www.healthline.com/health/joint-swelling#causes