TASK 1: Build the Presentation

Your last objective is to organize your final analysis into a presentation.  Use the DATA 1501 Final Presentation Template as a guide for how to organize your results.  You can add more slides as need.

Here are the main sections you should highlight include:

  1. The Problem
  2. The Data
  3. Data Transformation/Preparation
  4. Baseline Model 1
  5. Full Model 2
  6. Reduced Model 3 (Remove insignificant predictors and model outliers)
  7. BONUS 10% Extra Credit – build another full and reduced model by combining variables from the lab and the homework subsets
  8. Model Comparison
  9. Regression Equation and Prediction
  10. Conclusions and Recommendations

TASK 2: Deliver the Presentation (Narrated Presentation Should Be Between 7-9 minutes long)

After creating your PPT slides, you will need to narrate your presentation just as you would if you were giving a presentation in class.  You can use the narrate feature in Microsoft PowerPoint and Narrate each individual slide (preferred) or use a screen recording software like TEAMs, Zoom, Screencastify, Camtasia, etc… (Do not record your computer screen with your phone – it will result in significant deductions)

Make sure you do not skip over slides and important information:

  1. Show and explain what the problem is and why you were hired to solve it
  2. Show and explain the variables you had to work with
  3. Show and explain the transformation and preparation steps you went through
  4. Show and explain the important metrics of each model (R-squared, Standard Error, P-values)
  5. Compare the models and justify which is the best
  6. Show and discuss your model improvements
  7. Show and discuss your predictions and prediction error
  8. Conclusions and what can be learned from this analysis

How to Approach the Completion of the Project

  • All the analysis should already have been attempted.  You have been chipping away at it little by little with each homework and lab.
  • That said, if you made mistakes on your lab and homework assignments, they need to be corrected for the final project.  Use your rubric feedback to ensure you are meeting all the criteria.
  • If you did not complete a lab or homework assignment, it must be completed in the final for credit.
  • If you have been staying on top of your work throughout the semester, all you have to do now is compile your analysis into a presentation that highlights what you did and what it means.
  • Use the “Final Sample Presentation” as a guide for completing and assembling your PowerPoint.
  • Have fun and enjoy this learning opportunity!


  1. A SINGLE complete excel workbook containing complete and corrected work from the homework assignments (Understanding the Problem and the Data, Data Diagnosis and Cleaning, Univariate Exploratory Analysis, and Bivariate Exploratory Analysis, Relationship Testing, Variable Creation, Data Transformation, Linear Regression)
  • Organize a PowerPoint, using the sample template as a guide for what to include.  Make sure you do not include paragraphs of text in your presentations.  Visual aids and bullets points go on the slides.  Explanations are for your narrated presentation.  You may make notecards or used the notes feature in PowerPoint
  • Your Excel workbook must also be neatly formatted like the lecture workbook you created in class. It must be easy to find the information.

You must submit the presentation as a PPTX file and the Excel workbook (LastName FirstName – Final Project Presentation) as an XLSX file (LastName FirstName – Final Project Workbook) to the Final Project Submission folder in the Assignments tab by the Final Due Date.

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