Think about your experiences in this course. What were your thoughts prior to the start of the class? Think about what happened throughout the semester and how it affected you. Think about our classroom discussions and activities. How did these activities and events impact you? 

As your instructor, I will be reading your reflection to discover whether in the process of these activities and experiences, you have come to discover new insights about the topic of nutrition. Your paper can be informal, but also professionally written. Be sure to provide evidence that you were able to apply theoretical and practical knowledge gained from this course to your personal experiences. That is, how did you, or will you, apply what you’ve learned? 

You can pull from all of your experiences or focus on just one; however, as you write the paper, consider the following questions:

What aspect(s) in this class (e.g., readings, discussions, in-class activities, and projects) were most meaningful and why?
Did I face any challenges and if yes, how did I overcome them?
How will I apply the things that I have read, discussed, produced, or experienced to my own life?
Were there any presuppositions that I had before this class that were challenged? How?
What, if anything, will I do differently in the future? Why will I do it that way?
How will I use what I learned to address all aspects of wellness in my life? What next steps do I need to take?

Additional Guidelines:

Your paper should be a minimum of 700 words and a maximum of 1,000 words. Your essay should be typed in 12-point font, and double-spaced.
It is common to start your paper with an overall account of your experience.
While a reflection paper is still an academic piece of writing and should have some degree of formality (including proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar), you are discussing your own experiences so feel free to write in the first person and a slightly more relaxed writing style is fine.
You might conclude your paper with a set of goals, next steps, and/or solutions to an identified problem.

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