Associate Degree Nursing Program

                   EXAM I             Fall 2020                 

NAME______________________________________ DATE__________________________

DIRECTIONS: Complete each problem as instructed. Play close attention to specific instructions given. DO NOT ROUND UNLESS INSTRUCTED TO DO SO.

Fractions:  Perform the mathematical operations as indicated for the following fractions. When required, change answers that are improper fractions to mixed numbers.  Please express all fractional answers in their lowest terms.

  1.  + 4  + 5   =  ________________
  2. 1   –       =           _________________
  3.   x  6   =            __________________
  4.  x 2  =           __________________
  5.   5/35  ÷  11/21  =   __________________

Express the following fractions as decimals.   

  • 33/360   =    __________________         (record at the hundredths place)
  • 11/18   =      __________________         (record at the tenths place)
  • 5/650  =      ___________________        (record no greater than the thousandths place)

Express the following decimal as fractions and reduce to lowest terms.   

  • 0.44 =   _____________
  • 0.605 =  ____________
  • 0.308 =  ____________
  • 7.286 =  ____________

Compute the following: If no specific value is emphasized to be recorded, document your answer as computed/calculated

  1. 48.10097 + 7.011 = ___________________
  2. 1200   –   325.65 =  ___________________
  3. 6.03  x  0.081 =    ___________________
  4. 0.91 ÷  5.32  =     ____________________ (record at the hundredths place)
  5. 4.121   ÷  0.16  = ____________________ (record at two decimal places)

Convert the following Roman numerals to Arabic (10 digit number system) numerals

  1.  LXIX    ____________ 
  2. CDXLV  ____________
  3. MMXVIII ____________

Convert the following Arabic numbers to Roman numerals

  • 45 __________                              22).  617_________                        23).   555 _________

Fill in the empty blocks of the table below. Reduce fractions to their lowest terms when necessary. All entries for each row must be correct in order to receive full credit.

  15       50                    
  ―           50% 

Solve for X:

  •    X : 9 = 2 : 3                                      ______________
  •   21 : X = 7 : 9                                     ______________
  •    3 : X : 6 : 14                                     ______________
  •   7 : 9 : X : 18                              ____________

Exam One Answer Key

  1. 11 19/24
  2. 61/72
  3. 1/50
  4. 8 37/49
  5. 3/11
  6. 0.09
  7. 0.6
  8. 0.007
  9. 11/25
  10.  121/200
  11.  77/250
  12.   7 143/500
  13.  55.11197
  14.  874.35
  15.  0.48843
  16.  0.17
  17.  25.75
  18.  69
  19.  445
  20.  2018
  21.  XLV    VL
  22.  DCXVII
  23. DLV
  24.  9/40,  22.5%,  9:40
  25.  3/10, 0.3, 30 %, 3:10
  26.  ½, 0.5, 50%, 1:2
  27.  X=6
  28. X=27
  29. X=7
  30. X=17

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