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Assessed Learning Outcomes

· Analyse the role of the information systems strategy in an organisation, and its integration with overall corporate strategy.

· Evaluate appropriate hard and soft factors that impact upon success and failure in the development, roll out and operation of various types of business information systems.


No Executive Summary

  1. Introduction – introduce the topic area and explain the scope of work to be addressed in the briefing document (150 words)
  • Task 1: Identify and evaluate the characteristics and significance globally of big data analytics. (750 words)

This refers to Big Data Analytics at the global level – that is, the world

  • What is Big Data Analysis
  • How it impacts the world
  • Why it is essential
  • Task 2: Analyse the organisational opportunities and challenges posed within the aviation sector by big data analytics. (1200 words)

This refers to the opportunities and challenges that Big Data Analysis bring to the aviation industry.

  • Task 3: Apply the value chain and/or virtual value chain to analyse how value is created and delivered in your business by big data analytics. (750 words)

This refers to Big Data Analytics at British Airways. Value Chain & Virtual Value Chain:  choose one or both of these models to structure proposals for value creation and delivery in your business. 

Please remember you are only considering the models developed by Porter (Value Chain) and Rayport & Sviokla (Virtual Value Chain)

  • Conclusion: summarise what you have set out in your main section (150 words)

Some more guidelines provided below.

Big Data Analytics

  • Issues to consider:
    • Five Components of Information Systems: with your research, please show you have considered the connected resource categories always needed to be used effectively by business managers.  Resources require competencies to use them effectively and always require investment of time, money and effort to meet the business KPIs over time.  Resources here are:
      • Hardware selection and implementation.  Hardware resources refer to all types of machines, not just computer hardware.  
      • Software selection and implementation.  Software resources refer not only to computer programs and the media on which they are stored, but also describe the procedures used by people.
      • Data and information created, managed, secured and analysed by the business.  Data resources describe all of the data that an organisation has access to, regardless of its form.
      • Networks & telecommunications selected and implemented.  Resources are also required to enable different systems to transfer data.
      • HR resources required to support delivery of the business and information systems strategies.  People can be managers making decisions based on data and information, customers, suppliers, specialist technical support whether employed or outsourced.
    • Five Vs of Big Data: this model suggests five dimensions in which you can consider and evaluate the opportunities and risks of big data, in any of the three required tasks:
      • Volume: huge amounts of data generated every second by IT systems
      • Variety: many data types are generated (e.g. text, sound, video, numeric etc.)
      • Velocity: speed of global transmission
      • Veracity: how reliable, accurate, certain or truthful is the data?
      • Value: the commercial, social, economic, environmental, ethical, medical, scientific, cultural etc. benefits of the data produced, stored, processed and analysed

Some references to use and help:

  1. https://learnarul.uk/pluginfile.php/317347/mod_folder/content/0/A%20novel%20big%20data%20analytics%20framework%20for%20smart%20cities_2019.pdf?forcedownload=1
  2. https://learnarul.uk/pluginfile.php/317347/mod_folder/content/0/Big%20Data%20Analytics%20-%20A%20Literature%20Review%20Paper%20Elgendy%20and%20Elragal%202014.pdf?forcedownload=1
  3. https://learnarul.uk/pluginfile.php/317347/mod_folder/content/0/Big_Data__Analytics_-_MITSloan_2011-with-cover-page-v2.pdf?forcedownload=1
  4. https://learnarul.uk/pluginfile.php/317347/mod_folder/content/0/Big_Data_analytics_frameworks_2014.pdf?forcedownload=1
  5. https://learnarul.uk/pluginfile.php/317347/mod_folder/content/0/Tutorial%20-%20Big%20Data%20Analytics%20Concepts%2CTechnologies%20%20Applications%202014.pdf?forcedownload=1

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