Consider the following scenario: 

A patient was scheduled for discharge following an extended hospitalization for orthopedic surgery. On the day of discharge, the nursing assistant with five years of clinical experience noted, while helping the patient with her morning hygiene, that the patient had cloudy, foul-smelling urine. The experienced assistant suspected that perhaps a bladder infection had developed. The nursing assistant reported this observation to the registered nurse responsible for the patient’s care. The nurse chose not to mention the cloudy urine to the physician because (as she told the nursing assistant) a hospital-acquired infection creates all sorts of difficulties and extra work for the hospital (such as economic responsibilities and an unfavorable view of the facility by the patient). The physician did not appear to notice, or at least did not mention, the infection on daily rounds. The nurse also noted to the assistant that if the infection persisted, the patient could seek care at a later date after being discharged, and the problem would then be covered by the patient’s insurance. The nurse reasoned to her assistant, “After all, the patient was looking forward to being discharged today and isn’t that the most important thing?” 

Based on this case study, address the prompts in the Module Three Case Study Guidelines and Rubric document. Explain and defend your responses to the aforementioned using at least two evidence-based sources. 

For additional details, please refer to the Module Three Case Study Guidelines and Rubric document. Only need one page plus reference page

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