
If your organization does not already have a protocol analyzer, it can be difficult to secure funding to invest in one. This is especially true if management believes that everything is already running smoothly and working without issues.

In this assignment, you will prepare a presentation for management that illustrates the benefits of Wireshark in order to justify the purchase, training and deployment costs.


  1. Download and install Wireshark onto your computer
    1. The download includes Npcap, which is required for live packet capture
  2. Find a sample capture file on the internet
    1. Wireshark has many capture files available on its Sample Captures page
  3. Generate informational graphs from the captured data that help justify the purchase of Wireshark
    1. Examples of useful information include network security incidents, incident detection time, vulnerability detection and incident response time
  4. Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that illustrates the useful outputs of Wireshark
  5. Justify the costs of implementing Wireshark

Assignment Guidelines and Rubric

  • Your presentation should be at least 5 slides in length, not including the title slide or references slide.

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