To prepare for this Assignment: 

  • Refer to the health issue you selected in Week 1.
  1. My health issue is PERTUSSIS
  • Perform a search in the Walden Library, and identify at least two recent scholarly articles (no older than 3 years of publication) related to the health issue you have chosen. MY TWO ARTICLES BELOW:
  1. Argondizo-Correia, C., Rodrigues, A. K. S., & de Brito, C. A. (2019). Neonatal Immunity to Bordetella pertussis Infection and Current Prevention Strategies. Journal Of Immunology Research2019, 7134168.

  • Brugueras, S., Rius, C., Millet, J.-P., Casals, M., & Caylà, J. A. (2019). Does the economic recession influence the incidence of pertussis in a cosmopolitan European city? BMC Public Health19(1), 144.

  • Perform a search of sources of data provided to you in the Learning Resources to identify data relevant to the health issue you have chosen.
  • Review the following scenario:
    • Imagine that you work for a state health department monitoring trends in the occurrence of various reportable infectious diseases, as well as major chronic diseases. As you compare this year’s trends with last year’s, you notice an increase in the occurrence of the disease that you chose. 

With this scenario in mind, write a 2page paper that addresses the following:  

  • Identify the health issue you have selected.
  • Identify and describe at least two factors that might lead to an increase of new cases (incidence) of your health issue but not represent an outbreak or epidemic. Explain your thinking.
    • Example factors include screenings, testing, changes in diagnostic criteria, policies, laws, campaigns, etc.
  • Identify and describe the descriptive epidemiologic factors (person/place/time) you would use to evaluate populations at risk (i.e., what factors are relevant for your health issue within the categories of person, place, and time). Using the scholarly resources that you identified, support and explain your thinking.
  • Identify and explain who is more at-risk for the health issue based on the epidemiologic factors. Provide data and statistical evidence from the sources you identified to support your response. Explain your thinking. 

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