Measure of Dispersion

Name ____________________________

Instructions:  Please use and submit your responses to the following questions on this worksheet.

JAMOVI Output:  If the problem does not ask for you to paste your JAMOVI results in the space provided, be sure to post all your JAMOVA output to the end of this report.

Problem 1: Demonstration:  Based on your review of the video lecture and the short How-to Jamovi video, run descriptive statistics on the variable TVHRS using GSS data for 2012.   Copy and paste your Jamovi results, here:

Problem 2: Descriptives, Reporting Results:   Based upon your review of the “Rules of Writing” for this module and, based upon the guidance from the video lecture and power point presentation, write-up your findings on TVHRS for 2012 GSS Data.  Your write-up should be between 200 and 300 words and, be sure to discuss issues of reliability and validity in attempting to measure “TV watching time,” as you point the direction for future research.

Problem 3: Descriptives, continued:  Based on your review of the video lecture and the short How-to Jamovi video, run descriptive statistics on the variable EDUC (years of formal schooling) using GSS data for 2012.   Copy and paste your Jamovi results, here:

Problem 4: Descriptives, Reporting Results:   Based upon your review of the “Rules of Writing” for this module and, based upon the guidance from the video lecture and power point presentation, write-up your findings on EDUC for 2012 GSS Data.  Your write-up should be between 200 and 300 words and, be sure to discuss issues of reliability and validity in attempting to measure educational level, as you point the direction for future research.

Problem 5: Descriptives, Summarizing Results:  Based on the descriptive statistics on the variables TVHRS and EDUC for 2012, complete the following table to summarize your findings.  Note: be sure to include the number of cases (n=) in the table title for 2012 data. Remember, the number of cases can be found in the “Descriptives” table.   

  Table 1.  Average Television Time and Educational Level of 2012 GSS Respondents (n=  ), Standard Deviations also Reported.  
   MeanStandard Dev.
   On the average day, about how many hours do you personally watch television?     
   How many years of formal schooling do you have?     

Note: No further write-up as you reported your results above! 


Copy and paste all your Jamovi output from your analyses for this homework below.  Copy and paste your output naturally in the order of the homework problems. 

NOTE:  You don’t have to place it here !  As you already posted your output in the above problems 😊

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