Mark and Matt were ex-convicts. Matt asked Mark to help him hold up a pet store. When Mark hesitated, Matt promised Mark would get at least $5,000 for his involvement. Mark agreed. They agreed that Mark would drive the getaway vehicle and Matt would purloin the money from the pet store owner. On the appointed day, Mark and Matt drove to the pet store. Matt went inside and pulled a shotgun on the owner and took $15,000 from the cash registers. As Matt was leaving, he was shot in the arm by a security guard. Matt was captured and then arrested.

When the ambulance arrived, Matt said to one paramedic, “Please give Mark this $5,000, or one of his buddies will get me in prison.” Matt later confessed and Mark was arrested and charged with conspiracy to commit robbery of a pet store. At Mark’s trial, the paramedic is called to testify about Matt’s statement. Mark’s attorney objects. Is the testimony admissible (assume it is not hearsay)?

Please answer the question in at least 350 words with five sources from the book, articles, or legal sources. Please use at least five sources and include the author, title, date and link in your reference. Please see the rubric in the question answer area.

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