Film Notes

Magic and Religion (Aug. 13)

  1. According to Pinsky, what segment in Fantasia (1940) has “the most clear moral message”? What is the message? (Pinsky 34).


  1. What is the most explicitly religious segment in Fantasia? (Pinsky 37).
  2. According to Bruce David Forbes, who is the “high priest” of the Disney religion? (Pinsky 35).


  1. Describe Disney’s “revisionary medievalism,” marking the past as a “fantasy of potential” (Labbie 98).
  2. What is the name of the Sorcerer in Disney’s adaptation of “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”? Why is this significant? (Labbie 99-100).


  1. What are some of the typical distinction between religion and magic? (Versnel 178-179).



  1. How has magic been used as “an instrument of social disqualification?” (Versnel 182).
  2. Describe Frazer’s tripartite distinction between science, religion, and magic (Versnel 177-178).



  1. What are other formulations for the relationship between religion and magic? (Versnel 181).



  1. What is Stark’s definition of science? Supernatural? Religion?



  1. What did Durkheim mean when he said, “There is no Church of magic”? (Stark 114).


  1. What types of questions do religions typically engage? (Stark 110).



  1. What is the relationship between “religion” and “magic” for André Pierre? (Cosentino xxii).


  1. What is the place of religion in Disney’s The Sword in the Stone (1963)?



What is the place of science in the film?



What is the place of magic?



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